Two Years Tomorrow!

Hey, did you know that tomorrow, the 18th of April, is the second anniversary of the day development on Sileo began?!

That’s right! CurryCatz and I had come into contact a few days prior. He had already demonstrated his skill with some early renderings of Diego, and I had demonstrated mine with an old playable prototype I had worked on several years prior. We both wanted the same thing, to make a visual novel simply for the love of it, and we both knew full well that it was unlikely the project would blow up or bring in any real cash, at best we anticipated a small following and some extra pocket money.

Of course, things went better than we thought possible!

Two months later in the June of 2020, we made our debut with version 0.10 containing the first three days of the intro! We chose to proceed with that same prototype, making it into a full game. This gave us a big head start and allowed us to jump straight into the thick of development as the plot, the setting and many of the characters already existed, and with a prototype to reference, it was a simple matter to match what was already there and worry about making it better in subsequent updates.

A whole two years on, we have 500,000 words of story, 19 characters including the protagonist, a huge array of fully drawn backgrounds and illustrations, some wacky sex scenes, an amazing new UI and much more besides! But we’re still so far from being done! Tai’s route is nearing its conclusion, but two main routes are still to be developed, and not to mention a ton of extra content and side-routes courtesy of the Tales from Woodcrest mode which will be debuting soon!

A big thanks to everyone for their support over these last two years, and here’s to many more! 

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Happy late second anniversary!


This game is just beautiful and amazing! Since I've started playing I always check back to see if a new update has come out. Also, it's so cool that the development day anniversary of Sileo is the same day as my birthday! Great work and ready to see more of Tai's route and excited for Lucas's route and Dom and Axel's route!


If in doubt, second day of every month! And if you use the Itch app, it'll fetch new updates for you and save you from having to download the whole thing again (a typical update is maybe a 10 - 30MB patch through the Itch client). 

And honestly, as proud as I am of what we've achieved in Tai's route, I think I'm looking forward to starting on another more than anyone! 

(2 edits) (+1)

I have almost a year and a half following this great project, and without doubt it's one of my favorites VN;

Congratulation guys, and thanks¡¡¡¡

**** I can't wait to start Lukas Route ****

**** Please¡¡¡ can Erick have his own route? ****


We've got a lot planned for the Tales mode for Eric, and he'll also play a central role in Lukas' route. There's lots to look forward to!

Thanks Xevvy... as I told you before, I think that you are a great storyteller¡¡¡¡ thanks Dud¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Such a phenomenal game in scope of characters and especially world building lore. I've only caught up to Tai route and am beyond blown away. Can't wait to see other routes how the game continues further. Congrates to y'all succeed stay blessed 🌟


Diego's route was held back by usual VN trappings and conventions, but that's also why a lot of people enjoy it too. Tai's route was me quite literally saying 'fuck that shit' and just going totally ham for better or for worse. A learning experience to be sure, I'm a lot happier overall with the results, but there are learnings which will be reflected in future routes... for one, they will not be this long...



BTW, when will we finally see Axel's route?


Have a read of the first question in the FAQ.



Congratulations on the second anniversary, they deserve the support this game has



happy b'day


Congratulations on your success, I wish you two another two years of it. 😃😃😃😃


At this rate, I'll be surprised if we've even made 1.0 two years from now! And we've got so much tales content planned we could probably keep going until 2030... 

I can totally see that happening. There's so much effort you two are putting into this VN. I absolutely love it!! 😃😃😃😃