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I get what kind of game this is, but it kinda bugs me that i could only really try to date the big guys. Nothing against big guys, big guys are cool, but there are several not big guys in the game that i would have loved to go after more. I will admit its been a while since I've played. I just made an account so i can give reviews and feedback on my favorite games like yesterday. So maybe things have changed. Maybe those other characters are available to date now. Ill probably jump back into this series in a few days.


There's heaps of content planned for the small fries too, it's just that making these things takes a lot of time and we haven't gotten that far yet. We expect to hold a poll on Patreon and have people vote for which route is next once the current one is wrapped up.

I want to date Lukas, cause he has the same name than I, there's no another reason


So I can't choose Axel or Dom yet? That's unfortunate I'm not interested in the other characters although I like Eric is he an option too?


Have a read of our FAQ, that's all covered in detail.

So im looking at not being able to continue for roughly a year or maybe more? Well i gues thanx for the heads up


No, that's not what that says. Work on the next main route will begin once we've completed Tai's Route and produced a short epilogue for Diego's route, neither of which should take more than a few months to do. Which route we do will be chosen by our patrons in a poll we'll be opening when Tai's route is complete. Whichever character wins, we expect to begin working on their route later on this year.

Indeed. However I find things better to assume worse case scenario so I'm not disappointed. So I'm assuming the route will not be the next chosen. Based on your current rate of uploads the next main route will be finished end of the year or beginning of next. Hence the assumption. No offence to you intended as I tend to phrase things in a manner that most people assume the worse with XD.

Deleted post

I can't even with that adorable face, even now.

Deleted post



What seems to be the problem? Why can't you download it?

Nvm I figured it out, thankfully my braincells brainstormed themselves haha but all i need to do is go into my file manager and look for it and it will be downloaded :>>>

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm going to delete this and your other comment because they contain spoilers. But as for a response to your comment, just because a story doesn't go the way you want it to doesn't mean that it's broken or needs fixing. If stories always went the way you wanted them too, those would be some pretty dull and predictable stories! We're telling the stories that we want to tell without compromise, and that can mean that they're not to everybodies tastes, but that's a simple fact of life - you can't please everyone all of the time, and neither should you try to.

Im sad i crash whenever when i do thr Kyrex sex :(


There are no known crashes at that point in the game... do you receive any error message?


it says Sileo stopped working :-:


Very strange. We've had no other reports of issues during that section, and that section has been ingame for a about a year and a half now. Beyond making sure you're running the latest version of the game and that you meet the minimum requirements, there's nothing much else I can suggest I'm afraid.


I just played the latest update and continued from Day 15 after Spencer's big reveal to Day 18 and... boy... it was one hell of a roller coaster! I enjoyed the great, wholesome, steamy, gossipy moments and loved it! I hope Adrian doesn't mess it up again. 😆


Best watch him closely!

I really wish we could date Axel right now 😩


We cant date Logan? 😥😓😢😭


Not right now you can't, though you can do some other things with him, and you should probably check out the FAQ as well!

(1 edit) (-1)

There are some moments in this VN I'm like;

Edit: Try tongue but hole. 😂😂😂


Don't give up, skeleton! 

So I was going through the gallery in the illustrations, and I see that the bad ending for Diego is locked again. I don't want to go through that again. 🤔🤔😭😭😭😭


I rlly love this game!! 

Also wanted to know if in Axel and Dom's route u're gonna be able able to choose between the two of them or only one or if u can only go for the poly thing option 


It will always be a poly route, but that's not to say there won't be some surprises either! As for what those surprises are, you'll just have to wait and see!

Not sure I should scare or joy about the surprises. But I can say one thing, I am looking forward to this surprise xP  








Lovely, the new version is out!


Like clockwork!


i saw the notification early morning, ehe~

Is Roux a country guy?


He ain't a local, that's for sure!

(1 edit)

Him having a country accent would be so freaking hot!!! 😍😍😍😍 

Also I love this latest update its too bad that I already finished it. 😭😭😭😭

Edit: I'm a fast reader.


It was slightly shorter than usual as well. I've been struggling a bit with burnout as of late so this months update as well as next months (although to a lesser degree) are a bit smaller than usual. Thankfully, CurryCatz has been working hard to pick up my slack and has pumped a ton of new artwork in with new backgrounds, the new sex scene in the public update and a whole new character in this months Patreon update, so hopefully it's still worth it!

can i ask who is Roux?


Roux is a new character introduced in this months Patreon Update. He will make his first appearance in a public update next month

(1 edit) (+1)

Do they update the VN monthly, or something??

this vn is very lovely, i must say! can't wait for more! ehe


nvm i've read the FAQs gahhahaha


(1 edit)

I'm glad the current build didn't leave me on a total cliffhanger but man I wasn't prepared for everything. It was good. Glad we get to see more of 'ourselves' too.


I can't even play tai's route considering the lag the cg brings my phone :(


If you mean the animated CG, are you aware you can turn this off in the games settings?

(1 edit) (+1)

...*cough* ok *cough*

This is embarrassing 

Omg I love this game but I feel bad for Apollo he deserved to be left alone from those bad people

do we know where this takes place? Like what part of the world?


The setting and world are fictional.

When are you going to add the Alex or dom route

I can’t answer for sure, but they have said they plan to finish Tai’s route around April or May and then have another project before their patrons will vote on which route to start next.


This is answered in our FAQ.



so I just finished Diego’s route and am starting Tai’s. But I am confused as to whether or not the player and Diego still feel the same way about each other on Tai’s route or if none of that is true/ still applies.  Thoughts?


Those feelings are there regardless of what route you take. Just different things happen which makes them more or less relevant. And Diego is a good sport


Spoiler alert do not read comment until you finish Diego Honestly this is a good visual novel I just wish Diego had different ending walking off into the sun I would have preferred Adrian and Diego stay where they were possibly get engaged but I understand everyone has their own opinion

Welp ded x.x i fell of my chair when i saw The iron maiden 😆😆😆😆


"Je vous attends demain. Demain à 8 heures. A 8 heures.

Merci, bon week-end !"

The background conversations in the bar are haunting me help

Yeah ! I'm not the only one being triggered by that.

The first time, I jumped from my seat and looked behind me. But no, my sister was'nt in the room, was just the background woman's voice which sounded exactly like her.

Don't worry, you'll get used to it.

And maybe start to say it in chorus ^^

C'est la première fois que j'entends du français dans ce genre de jeu (ça et les petites remarques de Shin dans Morenatsu), c'est perturbant surtout que ça revient toutes les 2 minutes, j'imagine que ça doit être encore pire dans ton cas :'

(première fois que je vois un français ici aussi, salut !)

Et c'est bon je crois que je hurle déjà ses dialogues d'un air moqueur dans ma tête, je deviene fous je coupe le son à chaque fois que je rentre dans le bar (et j'ai même pas encore commencé la route de Tai, double dose de bar et de "bon week-end :D")

Does anyone have this weird issue? I updated the build and started Tai's route (I previously did Diegos) on day 5, went to save my game (cause I needed to quit), and accidentally pressed the Quick Save tab. I corrected it by pressing the normal save tab again, and then all of a sudden it started giving this error. It keeps saying "An exception has occurred" and it gives me a list of programming code. It won't let me save or load any games anymore. I've tried everything: Uninstalling, reinstalling, updating again nothing works.

Never mind, it just randomly fixed itself after I played a bit of it. LOL

I've finished the Diego's route and I think it's safe to say that this vn is underrated D: (now it's time for Tai's route wohooo)

Kyrex... I- LOVE U LOL


Xevvy if Sileo is done can u make a sequel to Sileo? Not Sileo.. but another name. But this time... you are Jay <3 


We plan to support Sileo as long as there is demand for it and as long as it remains the right thing for us as a team. For that reason, I don't think there will ever be a sequel. But there are multiple tales which play out from Jay's perspective which will come in due course.

I literally just started so forgive me if it’s obvious… but what species is the player? Do we ever get to see ourselves in like a picture or something?


Husky...I think


Check the FAQ, I literally added the answer to that one like an hour ago!


There are:


This game needs 5 stars... great content :<




This game is great! Though I wish that I could have a relationship with Russell the shark.


Some day, some day...


What you can do that!

Can you extend tai's route pleaseee


There's a tale planned for later with quite a bit of extra story, so don't worry, Day 20 isn't strictly the end. Just for now.

(1 edit) (+1)

OMG!!! YES OHH GOD I'M SO HAPPY TO BE ALIVE but please don't put anymore threesome  i much rather want it just the way it is (i know i'm a kill joy but i think it's time for tai and adrian) just my opinion the decision still in your hand 

(1 edit)

Does that apply to all the routes? I'd love to see more Diego content! He's the best boy :)

Edit: Never mind. I just saw the qna. I hope his route extension lasts longer than three more in game days though. I'd love to see the two of them live happily every after. 




Just downloaded this a few days ago and fell in love with all the characters. I'm especially looking forward to playing Axel and Dom's route in the future. Awesome work :D

This... Game... deserves... 5 Stars! This game ks the best! I loved the design, background, well a little horror but yeah... 5 STARS... This is better than Amorous... sooo Keep it up :D



Question: I want a Jay sex scene with me and Eric....


Be patient, and have a quick read of the FAQ while you're at it - a scene like that is planned, but it could be a while before it's made.


Would love a different option besides the cat and the over weight bear the players want to be able to date the other characters to this hasn't changed for a long time now and it needs to so I'm deleting it again this time until this option is available.


And alot of my friends are as well

(3 edits) (+3)

I'm sorry, but these things take time and hard work to develop. If I could just simply snap my fingers and have everything that is planned completed such as routes for Lukas the Bull character and the route for Axel the cheetah, I would. But that is not how reality works. Instead, our audience prefers it when we focus on one story at a time and put as much focus and care into that to ensure it is of the highest quality. We are very close to the end of Tai's now, after which another route will soon be started.

Patience is a virtue.



Do his side plots on Day 4/5 and 5/6 and it unlocks on day 7.

I do not know if i am late, but just a heads up if you are doing Diego's date, save your game beforehand, if you are doing Tai's route you dont have to worry

I have done Diego's route... saved the final day then loaded the introduction again before eric makes u choose lmao


umm how to update the game? im just being cautious cus I dont want to lose my saved files


If you're using the App just click update.

Otherwise on Windows/Linux just extract the new archive somewhere (don't overwrite an old one) and run. Saves are stoled elsewhere and will be safe.

On Mac/Android, just install the new file over the top of the old one and your saves will be safe.

I have a question before installing this. Who is the protagonist? A human or a furry?


He's a Husky.

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