When completing Tai's route i was left with a question of what happened between Axel and Dom. What is the relationship between them. Are they still friends, did they manage to resolve the issue between them or if not did Axel move out.
a little question. what type of external app do i need to use since i cant seem to open the app of sileo on my windows pc. and yes its originally capitable.
You don’t need any other software. Just download the zip file, extract it and then run the .exe file. If it won’t start, try downloading a fresh copy as sometimes the files get corrupt during the download.
I am comimg back after a long while and just wanted to say; Thank you for this masterpeice of a story, finished or not it still brought me much joy. I wish I could play it for the first time over and over again. :) I am looking forward to the final version, however long it may take I am willing to wait.
If it won't install. you need to open the .apk file using your file manager app (typically called Files,) not directly from the downloads. If it won't boot up at all, try redownloading and reinstalling the file and if that doesn't work, open up the app settings and clear the storage and cache before trying again.
The only thing on my mind after reading this is Kyrex and Roo together,i felt guilty not remembering his partner name because im too captivated by these two gentleman😺
for the love of God i need a route with roo he is charming and i think he would be a big sweety and a protective boyfriend pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me your looking in to making him his ow route
I just started the vn and i love the story all ready and I love the art design but i wanted to see if there will be a route made for KYREX he seems like it could be a good one but i never ended up seeing him as an option.
We've got two routes complete right now, Diego (Dingo) and Tai (Tiger.) The first few chapters of the Polyamorous Route (Axel (Cheetah,) Dom (Fox,) and Russell (Shark)) is also available. Lukas (Bull) will be getting a route in future.
Some older computers have a graphics card that doesn't support OpenGL 3.0 and above, which is required by newer versions of Ren'Py. If your computer isn't that old, then maybe try updating your gfx driver. That should fix it, I hope.
I just started the game soo i already saw that there will be +18 scenes well i am not a fan of nsfw so just to say maybe in the future they will add a “no nsfw” type option
Devs making things they like don't need to cater to everyone lol. If you don't like nsfw, something they clearly warn about up there on the itch page, don't play it
I really enjoy the time spending with Logan, only took an introvert to know eachother even though he isn't a date able character still enjoyed none the least
Wish I could marry Tai in real life, best hubby ever wish we could see more chapter for his route❤️ I could match his freak all day all nite non stop🤭🔥
Thank you so much for the work put forward! I adore this visual novel, and look forward to seeing what's done w/ it whenever you're ready to put more out there! I've done Tai's route, and not only did I really enjoy it, but Pina Coladas have now become my favorite drink (unexpected benefits???)
I've heard and read about everything regarding to what's going to happen to Sileo, and as a passionate supporter and fan to your dream and heartfelt creation, I've always wanted to thank you so much for having the courage and determination to chase after your far-off goal. I'm confident in saying that because you did that, you've managed to bring some joy, light, and laughter in peoples' lives and have probably changed them for the better. A lot of people might say that Sileo is just another FVN that has good artwork and quality writing, and while, yes, that is true, it's so much more than that.
3 years ago, in the past of May 2021 when I was 22 years old at the time, I first came across Sileo and personally had never been so amazed and starstruck in the heart and soul of a project before in my life. In those moments of reading through Diego's route, I knew I came across something special after playing through it all and loving Diego, the story, the characters, and the love and care put into the world of Sileo. I knew then, that I wanted to do whatever I could to help this dream flourish, and yes, it was in those moments that I contacted you wanting to help out in whatever way I could, and I honestly still feel that way to this day! I even became a bit of a newbie composer because you mentioned wanting unique music for Sileo somewhere, and so, I strove in response to train myself to hopefully be good enough to be that person helping you and CurryCatz out.
While that never came to pass, I still remained a loyal supporter in the coming times of it all, and since then, Sileo has become an integral and important section of my life that I will always cherish now. If you remember, I went and talked to you about me becoming homeless cause of my dumbass parents and being in a state of misery? Yeah, looking back on that, I'm kind of embarrassed and ashamed of ever mentioning that over to, what is essentially, a stranger on the internet, but if I wasn't that brave idiot who was inspired by Sileo to take a leap of faith into the unknown, I wouldn't have been bold enough to leave, wouldn't have been confident enough to trust someone to giving me a new place to stay, nor trust in myself to leave and forget the comfortable misery. It was the first time in my life of ever striking out on my own, and I owe you all of that power and strength.
Time has since moved on, and I have since learned to become a bit independent for myself, meet and remember wonderful relationships in the Sileo server, have actually got to settle in, be with, and enjoy life with my new loving husband known as Azzy, and now currently, trying to place my stake in this world, going day-by-day to be better.
I know this isn't the end for you or for Sileo, and that the Sileo Team will be back again sometime, some day. When that time comes, we'll be looking forward to more Sileo made with magic, devotion, and most importantly, love and care.
Morenatsu helped me come to terms with my sexuality and finally begin to accept that part of myself. I'm well aware of the positive impact a VN can have on its readers, and I'm glad that I've been able to pay some of that forward to others with our work. Glad to hear things are going well for you, thanks for your support, and hope to see you again when we return!
Im so sorry for those difficulties , specially which Patreon issue about cut creators freedom for exclusive contents. I wonder if there is another platform Patreon similar with more freedom for creators contents, It should. Whatever, I wish your time and situation get better and you can go ahead with your wonderful project. I would LOVE enjoy polyamorous route and Lukas route. I LOVE specially all these characters. Specially Axel and Lukas, and I miss Russell with his shark's smile and his "my dude" . I hope soon enjoy new contents soon. And I wish a lot of Lucky and power with your situation and project.
We're on a break at the moment, but keep an eye out for new devlog posts on this page! We'll let you know once we're back up and running and what our plans are at that time!
That is the plan yes. We'll work out the exact specifics at the time, but following the release of that final Patreon update, subsequent public updates will contain that content and will be completely up to date.
Mannn I hating Tai in Diego's route, all the manipulation is simply wrong, you can understand that he does it thinking about the good, but this is wrong, illusory, to think that someone I trust goes around telling and manipulating everyone around me would eat me up inside regardless of the person's reason, imagine if every therapist were to do this, the whole point of giving advice is for the person themselves to overcome their mistakes, defects, not for others to do it for them, even more so behind their backs, keeping secrets from them while spreading the ones the person told. I prefer to suffer with someone trustworthy by my side, than to be happy based on lies.
Just passing this along. Since I was given the okay, I've started the let's play of the story. I prerecord a lot of my stuff and the first episode will air on 9/24, and each new episode will come on Tuesday, for anyone interested in watching.
this is just a suggestion but once you finish the current planned routes, I think it would be cool if you went back and added another 20 days to each route. I really enjoyed all of the work you have done so far and would KILL to see more of each route!
I had a quick question to ask. I do a lot of let's plays of games and visual novels on my youtube channel. Would it be alright if I did a let's play of this one on my channel?
I do a lot of my stuff in advance and currently have stuff done up to the middle of September, so that's when I'd be starting it, but I wanted to ask ahead of time. I could just do it, but I prefer to ask the creators first when I can.
Unfortunately, I'm just not into that...i loved Diego's route and was also loving Tai's route, but then THAT happened on day 14, and it really killed the route for me... I would have loved if there was either some warning at the beginning (or some other point) of Tai's route or just a choice to make the player say no to Logan... I was just expecting that on Tai's route, i'd be able to be with Tai!
Well it's just that for me the player doing that with Logan just made me feel uncomfortable, like I said it would have been amazing if we had an option to stay JUST with Tai and not have sex with Logan, either that or a warning for what was going to happen. Plus the threesome a bit later doesn't help either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That is still the plan, yes. We're doing this as a break for ourselves, to make something crazy and fun. Once we've done that, we'll be back to work on the main stuff where our plan is to make a little more progress on the poly route first before debuting Lukas' route and developing both side by side.
Already responded to you in Discord, but definitely a false positive, Ren'Py has been known to cause these from time to time. So long as you're downloading from here or our Patreon, the download will be totally safe.
So if I pick Dom am I forced to be with Alex too? Will that be only Dom or Dom focused relationship with Dom and Alex? When will be the next update for them?
You will be able to pursue each character individually. No ETA on the next update for their route, we're working on something different at the moment to take a break from the same old and recharge our creative batteries. We'll be back to normal updates once we've done that.
Hard to say at this stage. We have some side content involving him, so if we get to that point then yes. Beyond the odd small cameo however I don't have anything planned for him in the remaining main story routes.
← Return to game
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When completing Tai's route i was left with a question of what happened between Axel and Dom. What is the relationship between them. Are they still friends, did they manage to resolve the issue between them or if not did Axel move out.
Is Roo just a side character because I want him to hop my bones!
He won't have a route of his own, but there will be an opportunity to have some fun with him in a later update.
I hope the game gets to be completed one day and Kyrex gets to be one of romanceable option. Until then, I have Roo, Russell, and Jay~
Kyrex won’t be romanceable, but there is more content planned for him. Stay tuned!
I both love and hate the fact i get to see more of that raptor, he reminds me so much of my ex. I swear im not like Diego we were actually dating lol.
A quick question which routes are complete
Answered in our FAQ: https://xevvy.itch.io/sileo/devlog/181450/faq-frequently-asked-questions
a little question. what type of external app do i need to use since i cant seem to open the app of sileo on my windows pc. and yes its originally capitable.
You don’t need any other software. Just download the zip file, extract it and then run the .exe file. If it won’t start, try downloading a fresh copy as sometimes the files get corrupt during the download.
When will 0.61 be release?
I am comimg back after a long while and just wanted to say; Thank you for this masterpeice of a story, finished or not it still brought me much joy. I wish I could play it for the first time over and over again. :) I am looking forward to the final version, however long it may take I am willing to wait.
Don't know why, but the current version won't work after downloading it on Android.
If it won't install. you need to open the .apk file using your file manager app (typically called Files,) not directly from the downloads. If it won't boot up at all, try redownloading and reinstalling the file and if that doesn't work, open up the app settings and clear the storage and cache before trying again.
Sorry still doesn't work after doing those.
Thank you for trying to help though.
The only thing on my mind after reading this is Kyrex and Roo together,i felt guilty not remembering his partner name because im too captivated by these two gentleman😺
Am I the only one that finds Russel absolutely hot ?
I know right?! I’m not sharing in the poly route.
Been a while since I played and I did one route, which one is it ?
for the love of God i need a route with roo he is charming and i think he would be a big sweety and a protective boyfriend pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me your looking in to making him his ow route
{i would pay just for it
just played through for the first time. :3 Great work!
I just started the vn and i love the story all ready and I love the art design but i wanted to see if there will be a route made for KYREX he seems like it could be a good one but i never ended up seeing him as an option.
{he is already my fav without his own route}
and JAY and the kangaroo these three are super Handsom.
im dieing other here
guys what characters in this game have routes?
We've got two routes complete right now, Diego (Dingo) and Tai (Tiger.) The first few chapters of the Polyamorous Route (Axel (Cheetah,) Dom (Fox,) and Russell (Shark)) is also available. Lukas (Bull) will be getting a route in future.
for Xevvy for fantastic work!
I dont what I'm doing wrong but the game wont open for me
try to reinstall or maybe your antivirus blocking the app?
Try redownloading it, usually this corrects the issue. If not, let me know what platform you’re playing on and we can go from there.
I tried reinstalling still no workie
On windows btw maybe im just a lil dumb
Some older computers have a graphics card that doesn't support OpenGL 3.0 and above, which is required by newer versions of Ren'Py.
If your computer isn't that old, then maybe try updating your gfx driver. That should fix it, I hope.
I just started the game soo i already saw that there will be +18 scenes well i am not a fan of nsfw so just to say maybe in the future they will add a “no nsfw” type option
Devs making things they like don't need to cater to everyone lol. If you don't like nsfw, something they clearly warn about up there on the itch page, don't play it
I really enjoy the time spending with Logan, only took an introvert to know eachother even though he isn't a date able character still enjoyed none the least
Wish I could marry Tai in real life, best hubby ever wish we could see more chapter for his route❤️ I could match his freak all day all nite non stop🤭🔥
here i am marry me...im tiger :)
Thank you so much for the work put forward! I adore this visual novel, and look forward to seeing what's done w/ it whenever you're ready to put more out there! I've done Tai's route, and not only did I really enjoy it, but Pina Coladas have now become my favorite drink (unexpected benefits???)
Hi, Xevvy.
I've heard and read about everything regarding to what's going to happen to Sileo, and as a passionate supporter and fan to your dream and heartfelt creation, I've always wanted to thank you so much for having the courage and determination to chase after your far-off goal. I'm confident in saying that because you did that, you've managed to bring some joy, light, and laughter in peoples' lives and have probably changed them for the better. A lot of people might say that Sileo is just another FVN that has good artwork and quality writing, and while, yes, that is true, it's so much more than that.
3 years ago, in the past of May 2021 when I was 22 years old at the time, I first came across Sileo and personally had never been so amazed and starstruck in the heart and soul of a project before in my life. In those moments of reading through Diego's route, I knew I came across something special after playing through it all and loving Diego, the story, the characters, and the love and care put into the world of Sileo. I knew then, that I wanted to do whatever I could to help this dream flourish, and yes, it was in those moments that I contacted you wanting to help out in whatever way I could, and I honestly still feel that way to this day! I even became a bit of a newbie composer because you mentioned wanting unique music for Sileo somewhere, and so, I strove in response to train myself to hopefully be good enough to be that person helping you and CurryCatz out.
While that never came to pass, I still remained a loyal supporter in the coming times of it all, and since then, Sileo has become an integral and important section of my life that I will always cherish now. If you remember, I went and talked to you about me becoming homeless cause of my dumbass parents and being in a state of misery? Yeah, looking back on that, I'm kind of embarrassed and ashamed of ever mentioning that over to, what is essentially, a stranger on the internet, but if I wasn't that brave idiot who was inspired by Sileo to take a leap of faith into the unknown, I wouldn't have been bold enough to leave, wouldn't have been confident enough to trust someone to giving me a new place to stay, nor trust in myself to leave and forget the comfortable misery. It was the first time in my life of ever striking out on my own, and I owe you all of that power and strength.
Time has since moved on, and I have since learned to become a bit independent for myself, meet and remember wonderful relationships in the Sileo server, have actually got to settle in, be with, and enjoy life with my new loving husband known as Azzy, and now currently, trying to place my stake in this world, going day-by-day to be better.
I know this isn't the end for you or for Sileo, and that the Sileo Team will be back again sometime, some day. When that time comes, we'll be looking forward to more Sileo made with magic, devotion, and most importantly, love and care.
Thank you for everything and for inspiring.
Morenatsu helped me come to terms with my sexuality and finally begin to accept that part of myself. I'm well aware of the positive impact a VN can have on its readers, and I'm glad that I've been able to pay some of that forward to others with our work. Glad to hear things are going well for you, thanks for your support, and hope to see you again when we return!
Im so sorry for those difficulties , specially which Patreon issue about cut creators freedom for exclusive contents. I wonder if there is another platform Patreon similar with more freedom for creators contents, It should. Whatever, I wish your time and situation get better and you can go ahead with your wonderful project. I would LOVE enjoy polyamorous route and Lukas route. I LOVE specially all these characters. Specially Axel and Lukas, and I miss Russell with his shark's smile and his "my dude" . I hope soon enjoy new contents soon. And I wish a lot of Lucky and power with your situation and project.
Regars from an Spain Otter.
Watery Zen
What if life, if not a series of challenges? We'll be back after a good rest! And rest assured, Axel and Lukas will get the content they deserve!
when will there be an update to Axel and Dom route with Russell? I want to do more fun with our shark boyfriend ;3 asap!
We're on a break at the moment, but keep an eye out for new devlog posts on this page! We'll let you know once we're back up and running and what our plans are at that time!
Gotcha, I hope we get the free version of the big update from patrion shortly after the people from patrion do?
That is the plan yes. We'll work out the exact specifics at the time, but following the release of that final Patreon update, subsequent public updates will contain that content and will be completely up to date.
[Spoilers of Diego Route]
Mannn I hating Tai in Diego's route, all the manipulation is simply wrong, you can understand that he does it thinking about the good, but this is wrong, illusory, to think that someone I trust goes around telling and manipulating everyone around me would eat me up inside regardless of the person's reason, imagine if every therapist were to do this, the whole point of giving advice is for the person themselves to overcome their mistakes, defects, not for others to do it for them, even more so behind their backs, keeping secrets from them while spreading the ones the person told. I prefer to suffer with someone trustworthy by my side, than to be happy based on lies.
Just passing this along. Since I was given the okay, I've started the let's play of the story. I prerecord a lot of my stuff and the first episode will air on 9/24, and each new episode will come on Tuesday, for anyone interested in watching.
this is just a suggestion but once you finish the current planned routes, I think it would be cool if you went back and added another 20 days to each route. I really enjoyed all of the work you have done so far and would KILL to see more of each route!
can't wait to not see axle nude
I had a quick question to ask. I do a lot of let's plays of games and visual novels on my youtube channel. Would it be alright if I did a let's play of this one on my channel?
I do a lot of my stuff in advance and currently have stuff done up to the middle of September, so that's when I'd be starting it, but I wanted to ask ahead of time. I could just do it, but I prefer to ask the creators first when I can.
Go right ahead. Just be aware it's NSFW.
Oh, I know. I've played through both Diego and Tai's routes. I censor stuff where necessary. Thanks in advance!
cant what to see the video's when they come out
Just search Bobby Thornbody on Youtube and you'll find me. As I said though, it'll be quite a while before i get to it.
I hope the Chinese translation team will be updated, I've been waiting for it for a long time... But I'm still thankful to them!!
was loving Tai's route until day 14, then i just stopped playing...
i did that and finally went back and was so glad i did it got so good and i think you should power thru and finish it
Unfortunately, I'm just not into that...i loved Diego's route and was also loving Tai's route, but then THAT happened on day 14, and it really killed the route for me... I would have loved if there was either some warning at the beginning (or some other point) of Tai's route or just a choice to make the player say no to Logan... I was just expecting that on Tai's route, i'd be able to be with Tai!
you get back with tai and they have an explanation that makes the characters actins make sense in my opinion
Well it's just that for me the player doing that with Logan just made me feel uncomfortable, like I said it would have been amazing if we had an option to stay JUST with Tai and not have sex with Logan, either that or a warning for what was going to happen. Plus the threesome a bit later doesn't help either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ya the threesome is a thing i wish you could pass but i think ever thing else is good in tai's rout
Dang Russell's one was so good can't wait for the update
is there any progression on axels story? please dont tell me thats where it ends
It's not finished yet, it's barely even begun. We'll be adding more chapters as we finish them.
But only 20 days?🥲
Though what i can say is the game is immaculate on emotion and romance and devotion given depending the players choice
I just wish there was more to it for Dom's part knowing he was was omitted though
As Tai would say "exquisite"
Will we get the Lukas route with the MC someday or was that scrapped?
That is still the plan, yes. We're doing this as a break for ourselves, to make something crazy and fun. Once we've done that, we'll be back to work on the main stuff where our plan is to make a little more progress on the poly route first before debuting Lukas' route and developing both side by side.
Alright, thanks for the reply!
Already responded to you in Discord, but definitely a false positive, Ren'Py has been known to cause these from time to time. So long as you're downloading from here or our Patreon, the download will be totally safe.
great game, keep up the good work!
So if I pick Dom am I forced to be with Alex too? Will that be only Dom or Dom focused relationship with Dom and Alex? When will be the next update for them?
You will be able to pursue each character individually. No ETA on the next update for their route, we're working on something different at the moment to take a break from the same old and recharge our creative batteries. We'll be back to normal updates once we've done that.
Are we going to see more of the black wolf? I can't think of his name the asshole one. He is just too hot!
Hard to say at this stage. We have some side content involving him, so if we get to that point then yes. Beyond the odd small cameo however I don't have anything planned for him in the remaining main story routes.
That's ok. I played through his scene the other day and thought I would ask. I am really enjoying the game. Looking forward you have planned!