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umm my anti virus is going haywire over this game


Already responded to you in Discord, but definitely a false positive, Ren'Py has been known to cause these from time to time. So long as you're downloading from here or our Patreon, the download will be totally safe.

great game, keep up the good work!

So if I pick Dom am I forced to be with Alex too? Will that be only Dom or Dom focused relationship with Dom and Alex? When will be the next update for them?


You will be able to pursue each character individually. No ETA on the next update for their route, we're working on something different at the moment to take a break from the same old and recharge our creative batteries. We'll be back to normal updates once we've done that.

Are we going to see more of the black wolf? I can't think of his name the asshole one. He is just too hot!


Hard to say at this stage. We have some side content involving him, so if we get to that point then yes. Beyond the odd small cameo however I don't have anything planned for him in the remaining main story routes.

That's ok. I played through his scene the other day and thought I would ask. I am really enjoying the game. Looking forward you have planned!

Any news on the Axel/Dom story ? ;)


We're working on something a bit different at the moment to recharge our batteries and rebuild some momentum. More info about that in our latest devlog. We'll be back to regularly scheduled programming before too long.

OMG I wish I could continue Tai's story...I'm really in love with the gentleman he is!

Maybe we can actually go on a world tour together?


The poly route seems like an interesting idea. Question is though can I date Russell solo? I don't want to have a threesome or share with Dom and Axel. Russel is mine! Will certain choices lead to outcomes through out this route?  Great VN by the way, keep up the great work! I'd just do regular updates with your audience though as long gaps in communication does tend to worry readers if the VN is still in development or not.


There will be routes to pursue each of the characters individually, yes.

Just finished Diego's route, loved it!


Counting my days on earth until Don update.

When is the next chapter?


No ETA at this stage, we're aiming to do something a little different with this next update so stay tuned.

Is there any Chinese?

There is a fan translation you can find here: Telegram / Discord


Hey ! Is it normal that if i choose Axel or Dom route, i always end up with Russel the shark and then game over ?


Yes, that's an early preview of Day 5 without any of the branching paths implemented yet. Those will be arriving in the next update.


So that's why it took so long. Our twinky boys are next!
I would like to thank you in advance for the good food you'll be serving us.


Cant waiiiiitt!!!!!



Diego's route was such a nice read!  Really liked the sweet ending and how much love the MC and him shared.  Honestly really hated Kyrex... what a freaking tool.  

Got pretty far in Tai's route and for a bit I thought I was going to really enjoy that one too but I personally didn't like the Logan thing.  That's just not my cup of tea and I didn't end up finishing it.  Not to say others won't enjoy it though!  I just didn't much.  

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with Lukas's route though.  He's such a hunk.  

Great job all around and I'm really looking forward to future updates :)

OMG Tai ilove him so much, his story make my heart beark and im cry in my work time...the music help me feel much more how he pain

I love Adrian, he is so hotty husky. I want to hug his fur too. Plus this game is so incredible 😍😍

Can't believe it's been 3 months. January felt like yesterday

I want Lukas and Russel Routes 

Hey xevvy any drawing tips?

As a non-artist: No, not really.



I need axellll


(and his dad)


(and Dom)


I'm trying so hard to not bang axel's dad



This visual novel is really great, both the emotion and the description of the plot make me addicted, but I am really curious, Axel and dom line will definitely be together with the shark four people, not to say that the shark is bad, just want to know if there are three people together or with one of the possibilities


I want a Poly VN soo much


really loving this visual novel so far completed diego's route and was amazing i love the closure and the love, will defiantly try tai's route at some point also looking forward to the progression of the polymerous route Alex and dom are my favourite characters and really looking forward to that story


Hi Xev, I must say this game is really amazing..
I did Diego's Route first, and then reluctantly Tried Tai's Route.
Although I feel sad about Diego, But Tai's Route is definitely my favorite. He's very charming and i can see Logan a lot in this route.
The way he speaks, and his worrywart personality is very charming, what a handsome Tiger indeed

Thankyou for creating him




Xevvy, I love this story so friggin much! Tai's route was my first and I like it so much I needed to take a little break before I start reading another route because I felt wrong just redoing things without Tai lol. Is there any possibility of some kind of like Epilogue? Where we see how things are going for MC and their romantic interest(s) later on and how they're doing? I'm excited for Lukas' path at some point too!


It's not out of the question, but I want to focus on completing the main routes first so it won't be for a long while at least.

Oh definitely! I'm glad it's an idea you'd consider regardless. Thanks for the reply!

How to get the rest or the illustration 

  • Meet with Kyrex twice between day 4 and day 6 on Diego's Route, then again on Day 7, then continue the main story.
  • Play the Intro Remake from the Tales from Woodcrest menu on the main menu.

ok but when I launched the intro remake what do I do afterwards to obtain the last two illustrations

They can't be missed. Just play it through.

thanks you 


Waiting since the release for the Axel / Dom route. I can't wait for it to come out!

what is the last scene, i need it

Isn't it with the shark dude you meet at the bar at the beginning of poly route? When you choose to lock either dom or axel's route


Correct. Choose Axel or Dom on the Day 5 route select. When the next update releases you'll need to make a few choices to unlock that scene, but in the current public version it's a straight shot - you can't miss it.



I'm in the middle of playing it but its really irritating me that MC keep acting like he was in the wrong for breaking up with Tai when he heard Tai confessing his love for somebody else and he was keeping secrets, yes it was for a good reason but MC is acting like hes a terrible person for not wanting to be with somebody who was telling somebody else "I'll always love you". The breakup is fresh but even then hearing someone you're dating say that to someone you didn't even know they dated is grounds for a break up.


Also, having them meet when Tai was 6 is........

(1 edit) (+3)

And he was watching over him since that day??? So he watched him grow up? And still dated him after? That's so weird on his part. Like this being framed as an epic and deep love story is......


He could live long enough to see the kind of person he grew into and made a decision when Tai was well into adulthood to date him. It's not like Tai was ever setup to fall for the guy. 


I know but the idea of being a grown adult and watching someone grow up then proceeding to date them makes my skin crawl. It just felt like a completely unnecessary addition to their story when they could have just met when Tai was a grown man and everything storywise would have been the exact same.


But it's also not an ordinary situation. Spencer isn't just some old man. He's no doubt seen many others from youth till death.  Don't base a fantasy entirely on standards of the mundane because it doesn't work.

All the more reason you should keep reading ;)

the game is great no doubt about it only problem i  don't know how to avoid threesome in TAI route call me shellfish I was so pissed when i saw him with snowball(polar bear)  i wanted TAI to be  exclusively mine and TAI and MC scene are mostly TAI being a bottom if there's a way if TAI can be a top that's just sweet.

Keep up the good work !

At this stage there isn't a way to avoid that sequence. With the benefit of hindsight, I'd like to go back and make the content with Logan optional, but it's woven into the latter part of the story and would be a fair bit of work to remove. It might be something we invest time into at some later stage, but for now our time is better spent creating new content instead of reworking the stuff we've already done.

well I'm totally agree with you creating a new content I'm waiting for Lukas route my fingers are crossed i hope it is going to be what's i imagine the bull with his long and thi...i...i...i  mean it's to my liking and i appreciate you for  taking your time to reply keep up the good work.

Heyy Xevvy, just asking if Roux will be in the polyamorous route or he will get his own route? 

Roux (and Roo) do make a few appearances in the Poly route. To get the most from it, I'd recommend spending plenty of time with Russell when you have the opportunity.

Ohh ok, just to be sure when will i expect the update to be out?

Containing the new content for Roux? That's still a way off yet. Later this year at the earliest.

Ohh ok! Thanks for the info! 

(1 edit)

I really should've expected that comment when I chose sausage and meatball pizza. Also, FUCK, this game gets dark

kinda gay, bro

T minus?

First half of April at this stage.


So I played this quite a while ago and had a rather negative experience with it. But I've been informed (admittedly from a somewhat unreliable source) that it has received quite a few changes since then, so I decided to read through a bunch of the comments and decide if I want to try it again.

And I think I discovered part of the reason my prior experience was so negative -- it seems I may have entered a route without realizing it somehow? Based on some of these comments, the bad ending with Kyrex is technically on the Diego route. Is this correct? If so, I,  uh... did not know I was on Diego's route. At all. I had no clue. That's why it was so incredibly weird to me that pissing off Diego was considered a bad ending, because I was in no way trying to get with Diego. And that's also why I thought Diego was so horrifically toxic, because he just declared that we were dating when, from my perspective, we most definitely were not. I haven't tried replaying it again yet -- maybe it's more obvious now when you're on a route -- but if not, it prooobably should be.


You've always needed to select your route on Day 5 and the scene in question happens on Day 7, so not entirely certain how you wouldn't have known what route you were on. Since that scene released, we've made it more obvious what is going to happen though the outcome is still the same if you do it on Diego's route. 

The intention with that scene was to have an outcome which you couldn't necessarily predict and for Diego's response to it to be particularly flawed and human. The protagonist hasn't strictly done anything wrong, and from that perspective the outcome seems entirely unfair. At the same time however, it isn't wrong for Diego to feel how he does and his reaction is something entirely human. It isn't a black or white situation, rather one that is messy and complicated just like real life. It was an attempt to experiment with shades of grey in our storytelling, though in hindsight, perhaps one we weren't quite ready to tackle.

As of the current version, there is only the one bad ending in Sileo and it can only be triggered in Diego's route. Doing the same thing in Tai's Route for instance will result in some dialogue changes throughout the route but won't impact the actual events that take place. We received some pretty harsh feedback when that content was released and we've stuck to fairly linear route design ever since. The Polyamorous Route and Lukas' Route will be more complex and branching but won't feature bad endings in the vein of the one in question. 

Writing for visual novels is certainly a learning experience. I've learned a great deal, but can and will still learn a great deal more. If you decide to give Sileo another go, hopefully our later and more recent work is more to your liking.


I see. I guess I'll give it another try, and maybe this time I can avoid accidentally entering the Diego route without my knowledge. Perhaps I don't need to avoid the Diego route if I actually know I'm entering it; I think Diego just seemed ultra toxic because Diego was the only one who thought I was in an exclusive relationship with him, or even in a relationship at all. Maybe if it's more obvious now it'll be fine.

(1 edit) (-3)

Ok, so this screen absolutely did not exist when I last played. I also don't recall MC saying to Eric before that he wanted a relationship with substance... if he did, I must have skipped past that mention. I didn't realize that was a set characteristic of the MC. Given that, I guess the reason I shouldn't play this game is that I can't relate to the MC. Like, this is not a choice I know how to make. I'm not interested in pursuing anyone romantically, and also not just one person.

(1 edit) (-3)

K yeah this MC is a fucking asshole.

I'm also starting to think you are as well, since you apparently intended for Kyrex, one of the most well-adjusted characters in the entire fucking game, to be a problematic character.


Thinking that the dev is an asshole for including an asshole. Sure, go off.


You may want to consider reading posts before replying to them.

Hey Xevvy, when do you guys plan to progress Axel's route? Maybe there is something i have to do that i don't know, but when i choose him at Eric's house on day 7,  there's just the whole scene with Russel and nothing more. Is something more i have to do or is Axel's route just that for now? 

Anyways, I love what i have seen from this game so far and i hope it will stay as good and fresh with the next updates

That initial section was just a small preview we released ahead of time while finishing up Tai's Route. Now that Tai's Route is done, we're full steam ahead on content for the Poly Route/Axel, Dom and Russell. The current patreon update has an expanded version of Day 5 with multiple possible endings, this'll arrive in the next public update. The next Patreon update will contain several chapters in Day 6. 

Ok, thanks. When is the next public update? 

Either end of this month or sometime early next month is the current plan.

I have a question, in Tai's route. the mc poses a question a couple of times, what if's. I was wondering if those what if's are actual routes depending on certain answers or if they are just that, what if's. or is it more tied to the next playthrough with the poly relationship that's being made? which I guess doesn't make sence considering they fall in tai's route. not saying I'm hoping for a different ending. I love the ending I got with tai. I'm just curious I guess lol, these what if's have me overthinking lol

The choices in Tai's route only affect dialogue for the most part, the same events play out regardless.

Greetings Xevvy! I know you might be busy with the development, but i was wondering if there existed any actual recipe for the curried egg sandwich, i have been craving it for a few days now, and was wondering if you actually thought of a recipe for it, or simply mentioned it on the top

I don't, unfortunately! I'm sure there are some good recipes online for it though


Just finished Diego's route and im scared of starting Tai's. Will Diego be ok without MC? He seems lonely and I wanna hug him to make sure he's ok OwO


same... the thought of leaving him hurt me

Skoni wawa

Man wtf


Man I can't wait for Lukas's route to be updated

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