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Gratz on another successful pdate. Things sure went fast between the two of them. The CG was awesome wish that Diego didn't have a sheath though :P I like more anthro penises but all the way amazing job ;)

There's a good mix of styles throughout our characters. If you're not so into Diego's, maybe you'll be more into someone elses? ;)

Dont get me wrong I love Diego and Kyrex story is just a physical thing really. Diego is the sweetest xD. 

I hope one day tai will get a sprite rework that will make him look more like the beefy Tai of the CG because OMG he is x100 hotter than his sprite lets you think <3

What exactly do you think his sprite is missing that was present in his CGs?

(1 edit) (+1)

The sprite makes him look thin while in the CG he is a lot more imposing, there is also the same problem with the Clothes even when he's in a t-shirt except his muscular arms, there is a total absence of pecs and his eight pack. 

Don't know if I'm being clear with what I meant.


i gotta agree. in the CG he looks buffer, less lean. and maybe it was the growling but...i think a buffer look suits him more.


“maybe it was the growling” lmfao

it was a really buff sounding growl xD

Yeah I gotta agree here.....not gonna lie, that’s what got me so worked up about the scene....the man was beefy as hell....his sprite doesn’t do much for me....he seems a little flat? Diego’s was fine because his sprites and him in CGs were close in comparison, but the contrast for Tai (and even the MC compared to Diego’s CGs) is quite glaring.

Diego was cute, Tai so far is not great but we'll see how that goes, I just like happy endings. Hope Axel/Dom goes well and really looking forward to Lukas


You're not going to get a happy ending, let alone a proper ending of any sort when you're still at the very beginning of the story! There's a lot more of Tai's route to come yet, hopefully what's coming will change your mind?

I hope so. Just what it looks like at the moment. 


Playing the long game waiting on the Axel/Dom route, but ngl definitely appreciating the cute things we've gotten so far! Especially with how cute Axel's been in this most recent update! Mildly peeved, perhaps, that he spilled but he's still so cute, especially when he found out and tried to cover for us. Dom took some more time, but he's grown on me too.

Tai route has been really good already, props for how the spicy scene went, it was great! Definitely a very interesting start, I was shocked at how fast things went, especially for a man like him, but definitely curious to see more and figure out what's up with him. 

Truly wonderful so far, Axel for best wingman, even if the poor cheetah cracked pretty easily.

Axel doesn't do well under pressure, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Came back to this after a longer break and I'm loving the way Tai's route is headed... I was thinking it went all a little bit too smoothly ! This is gonna be really interesting.

Also I love Jay with all my heart, congrats on making another absolute king


Glad you're enjoying it! Jay has been very popular indeed. We'll have to make sure he gets lots of screen time!

(2 edits)

How I would describe Tai? "Daddy" that's it.

And "that" Day 7 scene, "Oof" "Oof" I say! More Daddy-dom please!

Seriously though, great new update, and can't wait for more!

P.S. the sound that plays during "that" scene on Day 7, which I assume is supposed to be Tai growling, for some reason it was really, really loud and I couldn't adjust it with the sound option. I'm not complaining about it, trust me, but just thought I should let you know.

We've made some tweaks to how the ambient sounds are handled in an upcoming update, so hopefully this improves things. Be sure to let me know if it's still an issue once that update releases. 

Glad you enjoyed it otherwise 😊



Honestly, I identify with Diego on a spiritual level in this update; I'm exactly the same way when it comes to picking up on that sort of thing irl! X3

I also agree with Diego that the way Tai's handling this is kinda scummy and shady... I'm gonna withhold making any judgements about the situation just yet, since it's clear that there is much more going on here than we yet know (and I'd bet dollars-to-doughnuts that it has something to do with Spencer) and that we'll get a clearer picture of what's really going on as the story progresses, same as with Diego's route.

Still, though, Tai has some major explaining to do down the line. He's, like, literally the perfect boyfriend - perfect body; perfect personality; perfect house; perfect hair; perfectly attentive; just.... perfect - and he just take's you out on a really nice date to a café, treat's you to drinks the following evening, gives you probably the best fuck of your life, collects your dirty clothes for you and leaves some for you to change into the next day, remembered your favorite breakfast that you told him about on your date and made it for you before he left for work; basically doing so much to lead you along and get into a relationship... only to basically hit you with the ol' "it's not you; it's me" speech the next time your relationship comes up and be infuriatingly vague over the details of what is actually giving him pause about the relationship and why it might mean you two shouldn't be together... Shit just hurts, man! Though the heart-to-heart you have with Diego afterwards was really sweet, especially considering that it clarifies that he isn't really upset over you getting with Tai!

If it were just about anyone other than Tai, this would've come off as just plain manipulative, but considering what we've come to know about him across Diego's route and his own up to now, I know that Tai's not that kind of malicious or sleazy person, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see how this unfolds going forward.

On a much lighter side note, after seeing what Tai was packing, I'm kinda disappointed that MC didn't make a joke like, "I'm gonna forget how to walk tomorrow, aren't I?" before they did the do, or "After what happened last night, I'm surprised I remembered how to walk this morning!" later in the day while talking about it with someone. Just a though; it's always been a funny dirty joke to me!

Keep up the excellent work! Despite how negative my comments might come across, I'm honestly really enjoying Sileo and I'm really looking forward to the next update!


I will take the pun suggestion into consideration...!

This update definitely raises more questions than answers, but what better way to start a route? Your patience will be rewarded... answers will come in due course!

hey i just curious did the MC get buff i think his body now look like have a good muscle and this is good too i dont complaint at all I just curious

And if my english bad sorry :)

I did notice CurryCatz had drawn him a little beefy in that last appearance! I'd suspect that's just how it came out, but I'd have to ask him to be sure. 

(1 edit) (+2)

I played the game and i have thoroughly enjoyed from a players point of view, but putting my writers hat on, i find it a bit odd that the whole dating bit is done extremely rushed and feels a bit unnatural. As nice Tai is there isn't really any flirting going on like there would be in real life - and the actual flirting is really forced and it kind of magically happens basically from zero to 180 degrees and it takes 3 days to go from I barely know you to Im fully infatuated with you. Im concerned that the writer doesn't understand the difference between A crush and love which are two different things. Because these terms are being used interchangeably and they are two different groups of emotions that although are connected are not the same.  

As a reader I honestly would prefer if they added another 3 days of interesting writing to instead of the whole extensive Tai scene thats basically done for people to grab a tissue. 

With one serious problem i see in Tai's route is that MC and Tai never share any physical contact until their culminating night scene which also doesn't even have a single kiss mentioned and its more like two bricks doing it. They literally don't even touch hands, hugs or smooch each-other. 

And don't get me wrong its all nice but sometimes less is more. Its nice, but from a plot perspective it takes too much time and feels forced. And I think it would be beneficial to each route, to get the reader to know each character more. 

Saying this the game is very good and very entertaining and fun to play and the graphics are beautiful.

Did you...y' the MC's thoughts? Before the long and hard night happens, he contemplates the fact that him and Tai are hitting it off super quickly, and on Day 8, Tai also says that things were moving way too fast; he just didn't explain why. Although I can see the confusion in having it happens too fast, but again, if we want a thorough explanation from the characters, guess we're gonna hafta wait on that one.

Pretty much everything brought up was indeed intentional and is building towards something. Of course, I cannot say anymore right now because of spoilers, but in due course, it'll become clear what's going on and why all of this feel so off.

Bruh this update was WILD aaaaHHHAHHAhahahHAhAHH

It was kinda weird seeing how Diego acted because y'know...his route exists...but I thoroughly enjoyed this update. I will say I'm glad the MC noticed things were moving too fast, cause that was my initial reaction also...but once things were rolling, brakes were stopping whatsoever. And I took the liberty of playing with headphones this time and let me just say....hell yeah. THE GROWLING BRO I-mans was reinvigorating my imagination in ways I refuse to describe

<3 the growing was a last minute addition. I'm glad it was well received!

Tai is so lucky I like him, how dare he give me that Rollercoaster of emotions. One ride was enough 😅😂😂

And what a ride it was!



I have crushings for this tiger. He's very hot and charismatic. Want to know how his story is on the next update. And hopefully the story of Lucas is as interesting as Tai.

And i have a question, there will be have any other route about side characters like Logan?

What routes will, won't and might be available are covered in the FAQ: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions! - Sileo: Tales of a New Dawn by Xevvy (

Oh, my poor heart! I can't help but wonder what is what Tai is hiding...

Something tells me you'll find out in the months to come!


You literally broke my heart with this was sooooooo good and yet so saaaad!!!!! I cant wait for more!!! I wish you had a team of 100 to help you finish this VN obsessed!!!

21.1 apk can't install on my android.

I download the apk just fine but installation doesn't work. It's 472 MB on my cell and I have 1.31 GB of space, idk why its not working. I've downloaded mobile version just fine in precious patches 

What error do you receive? If it's 'Insufficient Storage', keep in mind that Android apps generally need quite a bit more free space than the size of the apk during installation. You may just need to free up some room. 

I did delete a ton of stuff to get that much space prior but still doesn't work. Just says app not installed

Nobody else has reported this issue as yet, so it sounds like something that's not quite going right on your phone. I would suggest deleting the app and then installing it from the new APK. Unfortunately you will lose your saves if you do this :(

omg i just finished the days for Tai my heart was so hurt with the way but i also know that there's more to come and im thinking maybe something comes up from the past with Tai and your decision makes or breaks the route for his romance (not trying to make any spoilers but who knows maybe gave an idea we'll see) ready for it to be finished my story lover heart wants more!

It's just the beginning! Plenty more still in store, so stay tuned!


This is gonna be a complicated case huh..... 

I kinda expected things to go this way, with things going waaaaaaay too fast for Adrian and Tai (i mean come on they met 6 days ago and started the "i'm interested" thing 3 days ago...), but i'm intrigued for the following days and the outcome of their relationship (and his darkest secrets with Spencer as well ^^).

One thing that surprised me was Diego's reaction.... He's taking it surprisingly well considering what we know about him. Or is it too soon for him to let his emotions speaking.....?

Anyway i'm really excited for next update(s)
PS: His uncut d**k is so perfect it's heavens to my eyes ^w^

There's no fun in smooth sailing, nor doing the same thing twice! The pacing in Tai's route is going to be very different to what everyone is accustomed to, but that's all part of the story! And yes... we've only just begun. Stay tuned for more!

That's what make this route interesting and captivating. I feel that it's kinda like "play hard to get" but in a far more serious tone. Also that serious and sometime teasing tiger dad has alpha blood in his veins, i like the personnality switch!

Very disappointed it ended when it did lol my first pick was Lukas, too bad not available yet. Second was Tai, and that was funny. Looking forward to more.

His time will come! As for Tai, keep your eyes peeled... March update incoming soon!

Looking forward to it, I love "daddy" characters






Uh, so.....I was installing this game, and as soon as I clicked install. I got a popup telling me that Virus and threat protection detected potential threats, I've now got Trojan malware......I found the source and it's the download....What even-


Information Here.

Oh, my bad. Though, that's a relief and it's much appreciated that you informed me as to why and what had happened. It did slightly concern me, but yeah. Thanks for being quick and professional :)

How do you hit enter in the beginning of the game on an android because it wont let me continue 

This is usually caused by an accessibility plug in interfering with the game. See 'Game Freezes on Splash Screen on Android Devices.' in the below post:

RE: Issues with February Builds - Sileo: Tales of a New Dawn by Xevvy (

you should make a route for Eric.


Maybe one day.

(1 edit)

Such a GREAT game.

CGs and character drawings are really awsome.

Can't wait to see more :)

Thank you ♥️

Well, that's unexpected.


Dom clearly agrees! I've found the problem and fixed it for March's builds :)


Can anyone tell me how to get the 2nd cg in the gallery for Diego? I cant Find it. By the way Diego's route was very sweet. Congratulations to the creators! :D

The second CG in the gallery is actually Tais intro CG. This is unlocked by seeing it in day 3 (it was only added this month). Next month, it will be unlocked automatically if you've played past that point so don't stress too much about going back to unlock it.


Ok thank you and again good job doing this novel. Wish I could draw to do one of my own too :P


May I ask if there's a route guide of the game creator-san?

(1 edit)

There is no route guide, nor should you really need one. Sileo is largely a linear experience. There's only one bad ending right now and it let's you rewind and try again. 

Ohh thank you, then what routes are open. You and your team are doing excellent creating this novel btw love you!:D 

Diego's and the very beginning of Tai's. 3 more days of Tai's route are dropping very soon. Be sure to check out the FAQ, all this information is already covered there: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions! - Sileo: Tales of a New Dawn by Xevvy (

I love this so much, I immediately fell head over heels in love with Diego, but all of the characters are fantastic. Thank you for making this


Thank you for the kind feedback ;)

You are most welcome, I haven't played through any of the other characters stories yet, Diego is very similar to my husband so I might be a bit biased on that one lol.

They haven't started the development of Lukas and Axel/Dom and is currently developing Tai's route.

oh good to know, thank you

It's a bit disconcerting. 

This is a known issue related to the latest versions of the Ren'Py engine and is a false positive. We've made some changes which should make this less likely to occur which will be rolling out in next months update, but in the meantime rest assured it's a false positive and Sileo is safe to play.

More info here: RE: Issues with February Builds - Sileo: Tales of a New Dawn by Xevvy (

Alright thanks, that put my mind at rest after freaking out for a bit.

Um, excuse me but why does the latest patch of the game can't be reached(the download site can't be reached)? I tried many times but it was useless. I only got the same results. Is this some kind of bug or is it just my computer not compatible enough for this build? I really looking forward on reading this build. TwT

Btw, it's not because of connection problem as I've switch on and off the internet hotspot respectively a thousand times.

It's probably your antivirus blocking the connection. The latest builds of Ren'Py have a knack for causing false positives. We've made some changes which should improve things in next months update.

More info here: RE: Issues with February Builds - Sileo: Tales of a New Dawn by Xevvy (


i'll admit to being somewhat saddened all the larger characters get to have their spotlight up first

It wasn't intentional, I can assure you! We simply prioritize the routes based on how many ideas we have for them. Things can still change going forward though!

For some reason when I read Tai's lines I think of him saying it in like a british or fancy like accent.


Any Tai route guide?

Define guide? To access it, select it on Day 5. Currently, only Day 5 is available for his route in the public version, although 3 more days will be being added in March's release. 

Thank you ,I just scare that my choice will affect my ending .

(1 edit)

For some reason when I hear the main menu music

Main menu: first few notes

Me: is this the fairy tail theme

A second later

Me: nevermind

Best enjoy it while you can, it's changing next month!

will eric get a route

There's not one currently planned, but maybe one day. More info in the FAQ:

Is Lukas route open ?

No Lukas is the end of the year i think right now  currently is Tai and Diego is already finished for now but you probably knew that already just saying in case you didn't

Not quite yet. Check out the FAQ for more info:

Am so happy that I was able to play this. Immediately fell inlove with the stories and the characters itself. Not to mention the soundtracks are just wonderful! Will admit I did cry and felt the deep connections but was happy nonetheless. You have my full support and proud of making you guys my first Patreon creators I'll support! 🥰

Looking forward to what happens next! 


Thank you 😘

I can never get Tai xD I'm a simp for all of them 7w7 . I love the game keep the good work up once I can I'll become a  patreon to support you even more. I LOVE THIS GAME!

Thank you :)

I come here to comment again because the game is wonderful, I became a patreon yesterday and I love the history of Tai, I want to see how things are going to unfold, I cried a little, but let's see kkkk 15 dolars in Brazil is equal to 100 in our currency , but even so it was a great choice because I'm loving it so much, thanks again for the game and I will always support your team.

Thank you, we appreciate it :)

Every time I try and download it my PC reads it as a virus and stops it, how can I fix this?

(1 edit)

This is a known issue with recent versions of the Ren'Py engine. The file is safe and the only solutions available to us right now are either to drop support for 32bit, or wait until antivirus problems begin to recognize these new 32bit executables generated by Ren'Py. You'll have to switch off your antivirus during the download and add an exclusion for Sileo in the meanwhile. Alternatively, try a different antivirus. 

(1 edit)

I'm downloading as im writing this and can't wait to get to it ! Pictures look amazing, comments are amazing too that can only mean this is going to be worth the download. I even joined the discord and followed you on twitter to make sure ik about any update 😃

Thank you :)

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