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So if I pick Dom am I forced to be with Alex too? Will that be only Dom or Dom focused relationship with Dom and Alex? When will be the next update for them?

You will be able to pursue each character individually. No ETA on the next update for their route, we're working on something different at the moment to take a break from the same old and recharge our creative batteries. We'll be back to normal updates once we've done that.

Are we going to see more of the black wolf? I can't think of his name the asshole one. He is just too hot!

Hard to say at this stage. We have some side content involving him, so if we get to that point then yes. Beyond the odd small cameo however I don't have anything planned for him in the remaining main story routes.

That's ok. I played through his scene the other day and thought I would ask. I am really enjoying the game. Looking forward you have planned!

Any news on the Axel/Dom story ? ;)

We're working on something a bit different at the moment to recharge our batteries and rebuild some momentum. More info about that in our latest devlog. We'll be back to regularly scheduled programming before too long.

OMG I wish I could continue Tai's story...I'm really in love with the gentleman he is!

Maybe we can actually go on a world tour together?


The poly route seems like an interesting idea. Question is though can I date Russell solo? I don't want to have a threesome or share with Dom and Axel. Russel is mine! Will certain choices lead to outcomes through out this route?  Great VN by the way, keep up the great work! I'd just do regular updates with your audience though as long gaps in communication does tend to worry readers if the VN is still in development or not.


There will be routes to pursue each of the characters individually, yes.

Just finished Diego's route, loved it!


Counting my days on earth until Don update.

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