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(1 edit) (+1)

Im so sorry for those difficulties , specially which Patreon issue about cut creators freedom for exclusive contents. I wonder if there is another platform Patreon similar with more freedom for creators contents, It should. Whatever, I wish your time and situation get better and you can go ahead with your wonderful project. I would LOVE enjoy polyamorous route and Lukas route. I LOVE specially all these characters. Specially Axel and Lukas, and I miss Russell with his shark's smile and his "my dude" . I hope soon enjoy new contents soon. And I wish a lot of Lucky and power with your situation and project. 

Regars from an Spain Otter.

Watery Zen 

What if life, if not a series of challenges? We'll be back after a good rest! And rest assured, Axel and Lukas will get the content they deserve!

when will there be an update to Axel and Dom route with Russell? I want to do more fun with our shark boyfriend ;3 asap!

We're on a break at the moment, but keep an eye out for new devlog posts on this page! We'll let you know once we're back up and running and what our plans are at that time!

Gotcha, I hope we get the free version of the big update from patrion shortly after the people from patrion do?

That is the plan yes. We'll work out the exact specifics at the time, but following the release of that final Patreon update, subsequent public updates will contain that content and will be completely up to date.


[Spoilers of Diego Route]

Mannn I hating Tai in Diego's route, all the manipulation is simply wrong, you can understand that he does it thinking about the good, but this is wrong, illusory, to think that someone I trust goes around telling and manipulating everyone around me would eat me up inside regardless of the person's reason, imagine if every therapist were to do this, the whole point of giving advice is for the person themselves to overcome their mistakes, defects, not for others to do it for them, even more so behind their backs, keeping secrets from them while spreading the ones the person told. I prefer to suffer with someone trustworthy by my side, than to be happy based on lies.


Just passing this along. Since I was given the okay, I've started the let's play of the story. I prerecord a lot of my stuff and the first episode will air on 9/24, and each new episode will come on Tuesday, for anyone interested in watching.


this is just a suggestion but once you finish the current planned routes, I think it would be cool if you went back and added another 20 days to each route. I really enjoyed all of the work you have done so far and would KILL to see more of each route!

(1 edit) (+6)

can't wait to not see axle nude

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

I had a quick question to ask. I do a lot of let's plays of games and visual novels on my youtube channel. Would it be alright if I did a let's play of this one on my channel?

I do a lot of my stuff in advance and currently have stuff done up to the middle of September, so that's when I'd be starting it, but I wanted to ask ahead of time. I  could just do it, but I prefer to ask the creators first when I can.


 Go right ahead. Just be aware it's NSFW.


Oh, I know. I've played through both Diego and Tai's routes. I censor stuff where necessary. Thanks in advance!


cant what to see the video's when they come out


Just search Bobby Thornbody on Youtube and you'll find me. As I said though, it'll be quite a while before i get to it.



I hope the Chinese translation team will be updated, I've been waiting for it for a long time... But I'm still thankful to them!!


was loving Tai's route until day 14, then i just stopped playing...


i did that and finally went back and was so glad i did it got so good and i think you should power thru and finish it

(3 edits) (+2)

Unfortunately, I'm just not into that...i loved Diego's route and was also loving Tai's route, but then THAT happened on day 14, and it really killed the route for me... I would have loved if there was either some warning at the beginning (or some other point) of Tai's route or just a choice to make the player say no to Logan... I was just expecting that on Tai's route, i'd be able to be with Tai!

(2 edits) (+2)

you get back with tai and they have an explanation that makes the characters actins make sense in my opinion


Well it's just that for me the player doing that with Logan just made me feel uncomfortable, like I said it would have been amazing if we had an option to stay JUST with Tai and not have sex with Logan, either that or a warning for what was going to happen. Plus the threesome a bit later doesn't help either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


ya the threesome is a thing i wish you could pass but i think ever thing else is good in tai's rout

Dang Russell's one was so good can't wait for the update

is there any progression on axels story? please dont tell me thats where it ends

It's not finished yet, it's barely even begun. We'll be adding more chapters as we finish them. 

But only 20 days?🥲

Though what i can say is the game is immaculate on emotion and romance and devotion given depending the players choice 

I just wish there was more to it for Dom's part knowing he was was omitted though

As Tai would say "exquisite"


Will we get the Lukas route with the MC someday or was that scrapped?


That is still the plan, yes. We're doing this as a break for ourselves, to make something crazy and fun. Once we've done that, we'll be back to work on the main stuff where our plan is to make a little more progress on the poly route first before debuting Lukas' route and developing both side by side.

Alright, thanks for the reply!


umm my anti virus is going haywire over this game


Already responded to you in Discord, but definitely a false positive, Ren'Py has been known to cause these from time to time. So long as you're downloading from here or our Patreon, the download will be totally safe.

great game, keep up the good work!

So if I pick Dom am I forced to be with Alex too? Will that be only Dom or Dom focused relationship with Dom and Alex? When will be the next update for them?


You will be able to pursue each character individually. No ETA on the next update for their route, we're working on something different at the moment to take a break from the same old and recharge our creative batteries. We'll be back to normal updates once we've done that.

Are we going to see more of the black wolf? I can't think of his name the asshole one. He is just too hot!


Hard to say at this stage. We have some side content involving him, so if we get to that point then yes. Beyond the odd small cameo however I don't have anything planned for him in the remaining main story routes.

That's ok. I played through his scene the other day and thought I would ask. I am really enjoying the game. Looking forward you have planned!

Any news on the Axel/Dom story ? ;)


We're working on something a bit different at the moment to recharge our batteries and rebuild some momentum. More info about that in our latest devlog. We'll be back to regularly scheduled programming before too long.

OMG I wish I could continue Tai's story...I'm really in love with the gentleman he is!

Maybe we can actually go on a world tour together?


The poly route seems like an interesting idea. Question is though can I date Russell solo? I don't want to have a threesome or share with Dom and Axel. Russel is mine! Will certain choices lead to outcomes through out this route?  Great VN by the way, keep up the great work! I'd just do regular updates with your audience though as long gaps in communication does tend to worry readers if the VN is still in development or not.


There will be routes to pursue each of the characters individually, yes.

Just finished Diego's route, loved it!


Counting my days on earth until Don update.

When is the next chapter?


No ETA at this stage, we're aiming to do something a little different with this next update so stay tuned.

Is there any Chinese?

There is a fan translation you can find here: Telegram / Discord


Hey ! Is it normal that if i choose Axel or Dom route, i always end up with Russel the shark and then game over ?


Yes, that's an early preview of Day 5 without any of the branching paths implemented yet. Those will be arriving in the next update.


So that's why it took so long. Our twinky boys are next!
I would like to thank you in advance for the good food you'll be serving us.


Cant waiiiiitt!!!!!



Diego's route was such a nice read!  Really liked the sweet ending and how much love the MC and him shared.  Honestly really hated Kyrex... what a freaking tool.  

Got pretty far in Tai's route and for a bit I thought I was going to really enjoy that one too but I personally didn't like the Logan thing.  That's just not my cup of tea and I didn't end up finishing it.  Not to say others won't enjoy it though!  I just didn't much.  

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with Lukas's route though.  He's such a hunk.  

Great job all around and I'm really looking forward to future updates :)

OMG Tai ilove him so much, his story make my heart beark and im cry in my work time...the music help me feel much more how he pain

I love Adrian, he is so hotty husky. I want to hug his fur too. Plus this game is so incredible 😍😍

Can't believe it's been 3 months. January felt like yesterday

I want Lukas and Russel Routes 

Hey xevvy any drawing tips?

As a non-artist: No, not really.



I need axellll


(and his dad)


(and Dom)


I'm trying so hard to not bang axel's dad



This visual novel is really great, both the emotion and the description of the plot make me addicted, but I am really curious, Axel and dom line will definitely be together with the shark four people, not to say that the shark is bad, just want to know if there are three people together or with one of the possibilities


I want a Poly VN soo much


really loving this visual novel so far completed diego's route and was amazing i love the closure and the love, will defiantly try tai's route at some point also looking forward to the progression of the polymerous route Alex and dom are my favourite characters and really looking forward to that story


Hi Xev, I must say this game is really amazing..
I did Diego's Route first, and then reluctantly Tried Tai's Route.
Although I feel sad about Diego, But Tai's Route is definitely my favorite. He's very charming and i can see Logan a lot in this route.
The way he speaks, and his worrywart personality is very charming, what a handsome Tiger indeed

Thankyou for creating him




Xevvy, I love this story so friggin much! Tai's route was my first and I like it so much I needed to take a little break before I start reading another route because I felt wrong just redoing things without Tai lol. Is there any possibility of some kind of like Epilogue? Where we see how things are going for MC and their romantic interest(s) later on and how they're doing? I'm excited for Lukas' path at some point too!


It's not out of the question, but I want to focus on completing the main routes first so it won't be for a long while at least.

Oh definitely! I'm glad it's an idea you'd consider regardless. Thanks for the reply!

How to get the rest or the illustration 

  • Meet with Kyrex twice between day 4 and day 6 on Diego's Route, then again on Day 7, then continue the main story.
  • Play the Intro Remake from the Tales from Woodcrest menu on the main menu.

ok but when I launched the intro remake what do I do afterwards to obtain the last two illustrations

They can't be missed. Just play it through.

thanks you 


Waiting since the release for the Axel / Dom route. I can't wait for it to come out!

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