So... I've only done one playthrough so far, but I noticed a few odd things. First of all... it's clearly intended to be player-choice based, but enough of the story is linear that you kind of have to... figure out parts of the MC's personality in order for your choices to make any sort of logical sense. It's more like the player is trying to get the correct answer than trying to roleplay a character they've created, which is further emphasized by the fact that there are apparently bad endings.
Which brings me to the next thing -- that's... not a bad ending. It may just be because of what I said above, that the MC definitely does have a personality and not just what the player creates for him and they may not mesh very well, but I really feel like a relationship between the MC and Diego is a pretty toxic relationship, so them "breaking up" (not that they ever even started dating) is probably good. I get that Kyrex isn't actually a datable character, but honestly? Myself, I'd just start dating Kyrex in that situation. It's also pretty weird that the MC doesn't realize he's Diego's ex, because that was really obvious to me. No reason to give up and take the bus home just because your best friend has relationship issues that you don't understand how to fix and end up making worse.
It's also evident now after getting to the end that the side-stories really are *not* side-stories that are only there for full completion, but actually have a huge impact on the storyline and it's very relevant that they must occur before the main storyline if at all. This wasn't clear to me initially. I guess they're only considered side-stories because you still do have to do the main storyline, regardless of whether you do the side-stories or not?
May I ask how routes are going to be realeased? Like, are you only going to release Lukas' route after Diego's is finished, for exanple? Love this visual novel by the way!
We're still in discussions about this at the moment. Diego's route will be finished first, once that is done, we might start working on the routes in tandem. Not 100% sure yet.
Ooh, Ooh. Somebody please tell me that Spencer will be a datable character, he's gorgeous and it'd be a dream come true if i could date him :3, P.S. i adore birds, especially crow's/raven's.
He's not going to be one of the four primary routes, but we do have plans to cater to side characters once the primary routes are complete assuming Sileo continues to be popular. All in due time!
Really enjoyed the newest update! I did not expect "that" ending on Day 7 but it was interesting, and making me curious if there's gonna be more like that later. We've only gotten a smidge of Spencer but he's already piqued my interest, I have a feeling he's that business partner Tai mentioned. All in all really solid, keep up the good work!
Glad you enjoyed it! Can't say much about Spencer without it being spoilers, but he will play a large role in one of the other characters routes. Keep an eye out!
I swear to god if Kyrex is who I think he is I'm gonna punch him in the throat on Diego's behalf...
I'm also really glad that you're treating Diego with the seriousness he deserves, rather than just playing it off as a joke or "character quirk". Thank you for that
Diego's story is one that is highly personal to me. While the details of his story are fiction, the way he feels and a lot of the struggles he's going through are not. I went through a fairly awful breakup myself not even a month before development on Sileo began, so in an attempt to give Diego some humanity and to make him relatable to a lot of people, I projected a lot of how I felt onto him. You'll start to see this on Day 7 where a lot of the details surrounding his relationship are finally made clear. Hopefully I'm doing it all justice! Days 7 through 9 will release to the public on September first!
I'm so sorry you had to go through that much pain, no one should have to suffer that much. I'm glad you managed to channel it into a creative outlet though, rather than keeping it internalized. I hope this is as good for you making it is it is for us reading it
Uncertain at this stage. Our first priority is to have Diego's route completed in full, after that we may well choose to work on the remaining routes in tandem or continue one at a time.
I love this game so much and I'm really enjoying Diego's route so far!! :) Is Eric going to be added as a route at some point in the future? I really liked him as a character, but regardless I'm looking forward to all the stuff planned!!!
May I ask when will the first route finished or when are you planning on finishing it? Been enjoying the game so far but I dont want to end on a cliffhanger so im waiting for one route to experience it to the fullest.
We don't have any fixed date for when it'll be finished, rather we're focusing solely on that route right now and are doing as much as we're able to month to month. At our current pace, we'd expect to have the route fully wrapped up by the end of the year, barring any speed bumps along the way. Fingers crossed!
Is anyone going to mention how Diego's neck is still kinda wonky? I love him too much in order to just leave this going unaddressed! What's going on with my precious boi??? Still, it should be mentioned that this is one of the most masterfully crafted novels I've come across. The art is adorable, the characters are unique, and as someone who isn't a the biggest fan of the more mellow-styled slice of life stories, the plot is still pretty rich and is never uninteresting. Still slightly confused about Diego's crooked neck however. Otherwise, this is honestly one of the finest tales out there. Can't wait for the next update ~
Edit: Just saw a comment from a while ago mentioning the same worry about Diego's poor neck, and Xevvy has responded that it will be addressed in 0.13 patreon and 0.12.1 public build? Did I miss something in the new update!?
What exactly strikes you as off? The complaints we had about Diego's sprite were his belly seeming "pregnant-like" and his neck being too long, both of which were tackled in the updated sprite present in the latest builds.
It seems I made an oopsie! I think my game was bugged. I reinstalled this version and now his sprite looks more like the ones in the in the released images. His head was previously tilted back making it seem like he was constantly trying to look up. I would send a photo... but I didn't think to take one at the time, and it's fixed now. I guess I just also misinterpreted that previous comment and tried to force some dots to connect that didn't actually exist, haha whoops. Sorry bout that.
I disregarded the idea of it being a file problem at the time because I had installed the 0.10 version originally, and his sprite was that same way even after getting the 0.11 build installed too, but I dunno. My computer might be messed up since it's kinda dated and screwed with a few things? Anyway, the problem is fixed now.
That's good to hear, we were worried for a minute there! There was a quick fix to his sprite in 0.10.1 which lowered his head position a bit, but the sprite was properly overhauled in the latest version. Glad it's working now!
Heyah Mr. Urushi! I'm kinda in need of help regarding with some VNs that is somehow difficult for me. Do you think theres a way for me to communicate with you via social media like FB, Telegram, Discord or the likes~? qwq
This was a really good update, I really enjoyed getting to know more about Diego and Eric's just a delight to behold! Tai's so far my favorite and I can't wait for his route in the future, but Diego is really cute too and that cg on Day 6 was adorable as hell!
Wonderful! Can't wait for that to happen! By the way, I think I found a bug, when you go to the gallery to see Don's and the little cheetah sprites the don't work, say an exception occurred. Don't know if anyone has realized this before.
It all seems to work on my end with the current dev build. The next update is due in about a weeks time. See if it still happens with that build and if it does, take a screenshot and upload it as a comment here and I'll figure out what the issue is.
I just finished what the game has to offer and I must say it is amazing so far! I love all the characters especially Diego and Tai. Im excited on how their story gonna progress in the future.
I'll say straight up he cannot be dated. Without spoiling anything, this is for plot reasons. However, something can happen on Day 7 that might interest you. Day 7 will release on the beginning of next month to Patreon, or the beginning of September to Itch.
It may just be because it's still early stages, but I'm kind of getting the impression that choices don't actually matter much? You get a different scene initially but then the story just jumps back to the standard progression.
Some choices will matter more than others. Most of the choices during the intro won't have significant immediate effects with only a couple of exceptions, but as the story progresses and the stakes grow, choices may be the difference between a bad ending or a good one. Most of the choices in the intro were designed to allow the player to show a preference for certain characters which would in turn direct them down that characters route. As of right now that system isn't complete on account of there being only one route available, but we intend to revisit the intro chapter once the the first route is completed and overhaul a lot of it, this feature included.
Oh, ok. Maybe I'll want to come back to this after the overhaul, then. Currently it just feels too linear to me, and linear VNs aren't really my thing.
Oh. So it functions like a heart system at the very beginning. The person you have the most hearts with will set you on their route. From then on, every choices have not only affect the heart system, but the dialogue and the potential endings it may have.
Correct. Like I said right now the system (we are calling it affinity on the team) awards points and such but as of right now those points aren't used for anything. We're going to implement this functionality later on once Diegos route is released.
I can't say much without it being spoilers, but a number of our planned routes explore slightly unusual or perhaps challenging situations. Axel's route will be one of these routes.
I found Kyrex very hot ngl, but that's beside the point of what I'm trying to say.
I love this VN it's very interesting and it has a way of pulling you in and grasping you firmly refusing to let go, (like every story should) its absolutely amazing and I can't wait to see more keep up the good work❤️❤️❤️
The majority of our music is paid licensed stuff, but we scatter a bit of Kevin MacLeod in there to give us a better selection of tunes - not everything we've licensed is a good fit.
Thank you for your support, we really appreciate it! Glad you're enjoying it so far. There's some really awesome stuff coming in the August Patreon Build, so keep an eye out for that!
oh that was pretty nice. I really like the lizard and i do hope in the future it would be a dateable character..... If his not a playboy that is. I really like the music soundtack in the menu screen. There wrre some parts of the song reminded me of a certain game or a certain show/anime. If possible i would like to know the songs name but thats about it.
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So... I've only done one playthrough so far, but I noticed a few odd things. First of all... it's clearly intended to be player-choice based, but enough of the story is linear that you kind of have to... figure out parts of the MC's personality in order for your choices to make any sort of logical sense. It's more like the player is trying to get the correct answer than trying to roleplay a character they've created, which is further emphasized by the fact that there are apparently bad endings.
Which brings me to the next thing -- that's... not a bad ending. It may just be because of what I said above, that the MC definitely does have a personality and not just what the player creates for him and they may not mesh very well, but I really feel like a relationship between the MC and Diego is a pretty toxic relationship, so them "breaking up" (not that they ever even started dating) is probably good. I get that Kyrex isn't actually a datable character, but honestly? Myself, I'd just start dating Kyrex in that situation. It's also pretty weird that the MC doesn't realize he's Diego's ex, because that was really obvious to me. No reason to give up and take the bus home just because your best friend has relationship issues that you don't understand how to fix and end up making worse.
It's also evident now after getting to the end that the side-stories really are *not* side-stories that are only there for full completion, but actually have a huge impact on the storyline and it's very relevant that they must occur before the main storyline if at all. This wasn't clear to me initially. I guess they're only considered side-stories because you still do have to do the main storyline, regardless of whether you do the side-stories or not?
May I ask how routes are going to be realeased? Like, are you only going to release Lukas' route after Diego's is finished, for exanple? Love this visual novel by the way!
We're still in discussions about this at the moment. Diego's route will be finished first, once that is done, we might start working on the routes in tandem. Not 100% sure yet.
Ooh, Ooh. Somebody please tell me that Spencer will be a datable character, he's gorgeous and it'd be a dream come true if i could date him :3, P.S. i adore birds, especially crow's/raven's.
Spencer will play a big role in another of our characters routes. Beyond that, he will remain a mystery :) that a yes??, I sure hope so, he's looking real fine
He's not going to be one of the four primary routes, but we do have plans to cater to side characters once the primary routes are complete assuming Sileo continues to be popular. All in due time!
Hmm, i'm both glad and devastated to hear that. He's so precious.
Really enjoyed the newest update! I did not expect "that" ending on Day 7 but it was interesting, and making me curious if there's gonna be more like that later. We've only gotten a smidge of Spencer but he's already piqued my interest, I have a feeling he's that business partner Tai mentioned. All in all really solid, keep up the good work!
Glad you enjoyed it! Can't say much about Spencer without it being spoilers, but he will play a large role in one of the other characters routes. Keep an eye out!
Each route is expected to run for around 20 days, some might be slightly more, some slightly less.
Perfect game!
is the mc a human or a furry?
The main character is a Husky :)
yeesssssssss thank u for telling me now its time to play the actual game i was wondering for a while actually
Most furry visual novels also have furry MCs. You can check my profile for tons more, if you want!
I really like this game, the characters and CG are great, when will the next update be?I'm really looking forward to it.
Beginning of September. Keep your eyes peeled :)
Not to pray, but what date will the new public version be released on every months? Is there a settled date?
It is roughly the first of the month every month, accounting for timezones.
Thx.You are really making a masterpiece, I Love the game!
Your game is great so far!! You did make Diego feel like a real person by adding your emotion, and I realized i made an account just to say this
Thank you! Keep an eye out for the new build releasing early next week, things finally get moving plotwise and we're hoping we did it justice :)
I swear to god if Kyrex is who I think he is I'm gonna punch him in the throat on Diego's behalf...
I'm also really glad that you're treating Diego with the seriousness he deserves, rather than just playing it off as a joke or "character quirk". Thank you for that
Diego's story is one that is highly personal to me. While the details of his story are fiction, the way he feels and a lot of the struggles he's going through are not. I went through a fairly awful breakup myself not even a month before development on Sileo began, so in an attempt to give Diego some humanity and to make him relatable to a lot of people, I projected a lot of how I felt onto him. You'll start to see this on Day 7 where a lot of the details surrounding his relationship are finally made clear. Hopefully I'm doing it all justice! Days 7 through 9 will release to the public on September first!
I'm so sorry you had to go through that much pain, no one should have to suffer that much. I'm glad you managed to channel it into a creative outlet though, rather than keeping it internalized. I hope this is as good for you making it is it is for us reading it
Hang in there, man.
I'm sorry to hear that :( I hope channeling your feelings is helping :)
Kyrex is a full ass. But a sexy one too...
Bruh you just made me think that and now I can't even
We're not sure at this stage. Most of the routes are fairly well planned out, but Axel's is still only loosely planned. Time will tell!
I really like the game but I have one question, will you be updating one route to the end at a time?
Uncertain at this stage. Our first priority is to have Diego's route completed in full, after that we may well choose to work on the remaining routes in tandem or continue one at a time.
Two words...personal training
I love this game so much and I'm really enjoying Diego's route so far!! :) Is Eric going to be added as a route at some point in the future? I really liked him as a character, but regardless I'm looking forward to all the stuff planned!!!
Eric isn't one of the planned routes at this stage, but never say never
Aaww Diego is the absolute best <3 he is my favorite
Im ready for Tai's route! I loved Diego's route so far, its good.
Glad you're enjoying it so far! We've got big plans for Tai's route, stay tuned!
is the game in Spanish?
English only at this stage. We will consider translating the game into other languages closer to it being completed.
This is very good you will see that you will get more audiences! Most of the people are Spanish speaking
May I ask when will the first route finished or when are you planning on finishing it?
Been enjoying the game so far but I dont want to end on a cliffhanger so im waiting for one route to experience it to the fullest.
We don't have any fixed date for when it'll be finished, rather we're focusing solely on that route right now and are doing as much as we're able to month to month. At our current pace, we'd expect to have the route fully wrapped up by the end of the year, barring any speed bumps along the way. Fingers crossed!
Thank you
Im looking forward to it.
Is anyone going to mention how Diego's neck is still kinda wonky? I love him too much in order to just leave this going unaddressed! What's going on with my precious boi??? Still, it should be mentioned that this is one of the most masterfully crafted novels I've come across. The art is adorable, the characters are unique, and as someone who isn't a the biggest fan of the more mellow-styled slice of life stories, the plot is still pretty rich and is never uninteresting. Still slightly confused about Diego's crooked neck however. Otherwise, this is honestly one of the finest tales out there. Can't wait for the next update ~
Edit: Just saw a comment from a while ago mentioning the same worry about Diego's poor neck, and Xevvy has responded that it will be addressed in 0.13 patreon and 0.12.1 public build? Did I miss something in the new update!?
What exactly strikes you as off? The complaints we had about Diego's sprite were his belly seeming "pregnant-like" and his neck being too long, both of which were tackled in the updated sprite present in the latest builds.
It seems I made an oopsie! I think my game was bugged. I reinstalled this version and now his sprite looks more like the ones in the in the released images. His head was previously tilted back making it seem like he was constantly trying to look up. I would send a photo... but I didn't think to take one at the time, and it's fixed now. I guess I just also misinterpreted that previous comment and tried to force some dots to connect that didn't actually exist, haha whoops. Sorry bout that.
I disregarded the idea of it being a file problem at the time because I had installed the 0.10 version originally, and his sprite was that same way even after getting the 0.11 build installed too, but I dunno. My computer might be messed up since it's kinda dated and screwed with a few things? Anyway, the problem is fixed now.
That's good to hear, we were worried for a minute there! There was a quick fix to his sprite in 0.10.1 which lowered his head position a bit, but the sprite was properly overhauled in the latest version. Glad it's working now!
Heyah Mr. Urushi! I'm kinda in need of help regarding with some VNs that is somehow difficult for me. Do you think theres a way for me to communicate with you via social media like FB, Telegram, Discord or the likes~? qwq
There is a link to our Twitter in the description. That is the best way to get hold of us.
Ohh! Thank you, dear sir~ ^w^
MC is so cute :3
Eric is really fun.... now I'm wishing he had a route too, but I know that's probably not in the cards :') still a good update
This was a really good update, I really enjoyed getting to know more about Diego and Eric's just a delight to behold! Tai's so far my favorite and I can't wait for his route in the future, but Diego is really cute too and that cg on Day 6 was adorable as hell!
I love all of them already. I love games that made me feel like I am actually friends with the characters inside. Keep up the great work.
Glad you like it! New build coming tomorrow, be sure to keep an eye out :)
I love the art style a lot, and the story is really interesting
Axel is so cute! He will have a route right? ÓωÒ
He will!
Please tell me Tai and Lukas have routes...
Yes, they will both be dateable in future versions!
Wonderful! Can't wait for that to happen! By the way, I think I found a bug, when you go to the gallery to see Don's and the little cheetah sprites the don't work, say an exception occurred. Don't know if anyone has realized this before.
It all seems to work on my end with the current dev build. The next update is due in about a weeks time. See if it still happens with that build and if it does, take a screenshot and upload it as a comment here and I'll figure out what the issue is.
I just finished what the game has to offer and I must say it is amazing so far! I love all the characters especially Diego and Tai. Im excited on how their story gonna progress in the future.
Kyrex is only a side character? Man i want to date him tbh
Dude, I also want to be able to date him, but it will never happen
Although if all fans of the game want it, the developer may have to do it(or not)
I'll say straight up he cannot be dated. Without spoiling anything, this is for plot reasons. However, something can happen on Day 7 that might interest you. Day 7 will release on the beginning of next month to Patreon, or the beginning of September to Itch.
Ooh. A hot character that cannot be dated. What a welcome surprise.
Thank you for the feedback! Next update will release in the beginning of August!
It may just be because it's still early stages, but I'm kind of getting the impression that choices don't actually matter much? You get a different scene initially but then the story just jumps back to the standard progression.
Some choices will matter more than others. Most of the choices during the intro won't have significant immediate effects with only a couple of exceptions, but as the story progresses and the stakes grow, choices may be the difference between a bad ending or a good one. Most of the choices in the intro were designed to allow the player to show a preference for certain characters which would in turn direct them down that characters route. As of right now that system isn't complete on account of there being only one route available, but we intend to revisit the intro chapter once the the first route is completed and overhaul a lot of it, this feature included.
Oh, ok. Maybe I'll want to come back to this after the overhaul, then. Currently it just feels too linear to me, and linear VNs aren't really my thing.
Oh. So it functions like a heart system at the very beginning. The person you have the most hearts with will set you on their route. From then on, every choices have not only affect the heart system, but the dialogue and the potential endings it may have.
Correct. Like I said right now the system (we are calling it affinity on the team) awards points and such but as of right now those points aren't used for anything. We're going to implement this functionality later on once Diegos route is released.
I liked the writing a lot and I love all the characters and the story. Diego happens to be my Favorite ❤. Can't wait to see what's more to come :3.
I'm a little curious - is Axel going to have a romance arc for himself or would we be intruding on something...?
I can't say much without it being spoilers, but a number of our planned routes explore slightly unusual or perhaps challenging situations. Axel's route will be one of these routes.
I found Kyrex very hot ngl, but that's beside the point of what I'm trying to say.
I love this VN it's very interesting and it has a way of pulling you in and grasping you firmly refusing to let go, (like every story should) its absolutely amazing and I can't wait to see more keep up the good work❤️❤️❤️
Glad you like it so far! Thanks for the kind words!
Np, hard working people deserve praise so I give what I can.
ahahaha diego is so cute. and that belly....*poke* *poke*
I found out what song is play in Diego's House, it's called Pyro Flow By: Kevin Macleod.
Actually, it's RetroFuture by Kevin MacLeod:
The majority of our music is paid licensed stuff, but we scatter a bit of Kevin MacLeod in there to give us a better selection of tunes - not everything we've licensed is a good fit.
ooh rip
I am really enjoying this VN. Decided to become a patron on your patreon.
Thank you for your support, we really appreciate it! Glad you're enjoying it so far. There's some really awesome stuff coming in the August Patreon Build, so keep an eye out for that!
oh that was pretty nice. I really like the lizard and i do hope in the future it would be a dateable character..... If his not a playboy that is. I really like the music soundtack in the menu screen. There wrre some parts of the song reminded me of a certain game or a certain show/anime. If possible i would like to know the songs name but thats about it.
I love the game so much! ^^
It's funny how Diego reminds me so much of amicus XD
also, quick question, I tai also a love intrest? If so that would be a nice change of pace than the usual vn's
Yes, Tai is intended to be a love interest option in the future!
ah thank you so much ^^