Question I been advised that Kyrex will not be datable, kind of sad about that. I wish i could melt his frozen/ spirted...ahem heart.
But will Logan, Russell, Jay, and Eric be datable in the future?
I apologies if that has already been mention but i could find the answer.
Thank you for the great work and keep it up. I literally check everyday if there is an update just incase you decided to put a new update early to catch me off guard. lol
Yes i have just recently finish Diego route and got to the latest update for Tai route which is my favorite so far. So many many ups and downs and twist, it grabs your attention.
I cant be the only one that prefers Tai's route then Diego's route. I mean i did the full route for Diego and such but, alot of the parts (some parts are the same for Tai) were mostly just boring talking. But for Tai its like a whole rollercoaster for his route which is more interesting since with Diego, its just a normal love and love depression couple and such.
You're not the only 1 mate. Diego's route just simply start from 0 to 100, but Tai's route tho, imagine if myself was to put in as Adrian, I don't think my heart could handle those ups and downs. I cried my eyes out couple of times going though Tai's route. It looks like I NEED A HUG RIGHT NOW... 😢🤧
Tais' route is approaching triple the wordcount too! Diego was our first attempt, so by the time we started our second, we had learned more than a few tricks!
Take your time man... You're doing your best already. It took me around 6-7hours just to finish Tai's route on day 15 and 16. Lots of reading you know, behind the scene must take alot of work to come up with all of these.
I don't mind in the future if you're going to give us Xevvy's route.. I'm so down with that!! 🤣
I cant deny that your profile is so freaking beautiful! 😍
Not sure yet. Honestly, Diego's route needs quite a bit of attention to bring it up to par with the others. At the very least, it'll need some adjustments to bring it in line with the canon. We might choose to rewrite it later on, but not sure yet.
this was a nice game, i love it, the story line it's so unbelievable lovely, but i still wait next update that will unlock another story line because that i still curious about two option that i can't choose anymore, that's all i guess, i'm so excited about the next update, made me suprised Xevvy, i wait for it.
and this is the scene that i love it from the game :3
Been eager to receive public updates regarding this Visual Novel for a while now.
I am really satisfied on how Diego's route played out, leaving me wanting more.
But when Tai's route progress, I couldn't bring myself to ask for more! Gahaha~
Thank you for this Visual Novel to look forward of! Especially the whole team!
Would like to share a thought of a song, which is one of my favorites, that I somehow find it matching the same wavelength regarding to Tai's route I assume, please give it a go!
Ren'Py is a bit weird in that sometimes the triggers just don't work as they should. The only missable one is the optional sex scene on day 7. For the other stuff, I'd suggest running through again skipping the dialogue and hopefully it'll unlock this time.
I did skipped the whole Diego's route... I saw Which ones were missing... They didn't went to the gallery lol
As you said... Ren'py sometimes likes to mess lol it's like on my Tavern of Spear saves... Often the gallery bugs and misses some scenes... Then I need to play the save to get the scene again lol
I'll wait til the next update to see if it'll update... But really thank you for your concern Xevvy! It's nice to have the creator always in touch with the players! Thanks a lot!
Only other thing I could suggest is try deleting the 'persistent' file in your save folder (the location for this can be found in our FAQ). For some reason it isn't tracking the unlocks properly.
i kinda wish kyrex had a route we can play in to be wit him ik he a di** but i see his prospective and be like aww he just needs some wove and to help him feel some emotions again btw im on day 14 so dont come for me yet if he just an actual di** lmao
its not that hes a dick. Its that hes an idiot. Tai can act like it was equal guilt among both parties, but none of this would have happened if kyrex just stopped being a man whore for two seconds
I've been following xou guys from the beginning and I just wanted to say that xour VN is 1ne of the most immersive out there! ^_^/ xour writing, music, art, story, all of it! It's just so UTTERLY captivating that I get so completely drawn in to the point that I genuinely do feel like I'm the MC. And I'm in absolute LOOOVE with how xou've done Tai's route~ :D it's so good! I really hope Lukas is the next path. That sweet, hunky tsundere of a himbo will surely melt all our hearts~ ;) Ooo! And xour origin story on how anthropomorphs came to be is remarkably unique! OwO Real stellar stuff! Both routes are so different and still fit so perfectly into the same tale. I prize myself on being able to predict where the story will go with most things, but xou guys don't fail to leave me guessing! Outstanding writing! This VN really does have it all~ UwU Xou guys are amazing. Keep up the magnificent work~! ^^_
Help...... I got stuck in Tai's route. Everytime I go past the scene where the player finds Tai in a hide-and-seek game, my phone crashes and restarts. Help.
This. That's an animated sequence. Some low end devices can't handle the sequence and will crash when it begins. Disabling animated sequences in the settings works around this issue
We know that Tai said Lukas was big.... like even among his kind he is "extraordinary" (his words) sooooo... considering Tai is hella big as well i don't think Adrian could handle DP from them..... right ?
Omg it's a good thing I checked sileo, I didn't get a notification but its a good thing I checked, I've been really wrong about Tai, so Tai my loving tiger, here I come!
← Return to game
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You know Josh, I'm about to comment and get you notification on that, you're already here!!
I know right? So many good things are happening today!!! 😃😃😃😃
We release our public updates on the same day every month!
New Update!!! I'm literally crying right now.
Time to throw away all the work and continue my journey where I left off.
Syyke! 😁
You'll be needing that helmet for this months Patreon build, lemme tell ya that much
Haha correct man. Looking forward to it!!
Patreon release:
hoy es la actualización?
Debería, a menos que en el país de Xevvy Todos los Santos sea festivo [espero que no]
U_U aquí esperando xd
Question I been advised that Kyrex will not be datable, kind of sad about that. I wish i could melt his frozen/ spirted...ahem heart.
But will Logan, Russell, Jay, and Eric be datable in the future?
I apologies if that has already been mention but i could find the answer.
Thank you for the great work and keep it up. I literally check everyday if there is an update just incase you decided to put a new update early to catch me off guard. lol
So for now, the completed route is Diego's.
Suggest that you should finish it first. Then you can have a fresh start with Tai's route (I think it's about 60-80% completed, just an estimation).
Currently there's no route for Kyrex, Logan, Jay..etc. That will be coming soon later.
M pretty sure Xevvy will keep you keep to date.
He takes time replying to you guys' comments.
And who knows? maybe he might play us with a surprise card? 🤪
Here's a kissing scene.. make sure you go through all of this.
Thank you for the reply, @absoultesane
Yes i have just recently finish Diego route and got to the latest update for Tai route which is my favorite so far. So many many ups and downs and twist, it grabs your attention.
Have a look at the FAQ's, all of this information is covered in detail here:
Thank you for the Link @Xevvy
Well I'm smelling for the upcoming updates...
Tai's route day 17 should be coming soon.
"Hey there, sexy tiger. It's so nice to hear from you..."
I really can't wait to continue where I left off. 😁
Ngl, everything I remember from Tai's route, day 16 was he over repeated himself about something like "Now I can have that knot all to myself"? 🤣
Haha I have work also during weekdays... Hopefully the update comes around somewhat Friday night someday so that I can prepare myself for this.
Oh dear... That's just Cruel torture... 🤧
Is Adrian dateable
not with that attitude
never played the game so pardon my ignorance.
quick question! which routes are well, ''finished''? i oly plyed diogo one and my heart would break if i tried any other on the moment
Only Diego's right now. Tai's isn't far from done though
ah i see! thanks! <3
Happy weekend everybody!!
Make sure you guys check out Tai's Route. It's so amazing!
Here's a soft picture of a Tiger named Tai to boost everyone's mood.
Since I love this Tiger so much, I need to put a heart sticker on this NSFW photo and also make it a profile picture...😁
You know you love him... M pretty sure!! 😁
That's gay!
I'm so gayyyyyyyu just for you. 🤣
I cant be the only one that prefers Tai's route then Diego's route. I mean i did the full route for Diego and such but, alot of the parts (some parts are the same for Tai) were mostly just boring talking. But for Tai its like a whole rollercoaster for his route which is more interesting since with Diego, its just a normal love and love depression couple and such.
You're not the only 1 mate. Diego's route just simply start from 0 to 100, but Tai's route tho, imagine if myself was to put in as Adrian, I don't think my heart could handle those ups and downs. I cried my eyes out couple of times going though Tai's route. It looks like I NEED A HUG RIGHT NOW... 😢🤧
Tais' route is approaching triple the wordcount too! Diego was our first attempt, so by the time we started our second, we had learned more than a few tricks!
Take your time man... You're doing your best already. It took me around 6-7hours just to finish Tai's route on day 15 and 16. Lots of reading you know, behind the scene must take alot of work to come up with all of these.
I don't mind in the future if you're going to give us Xevvy's route.. I'm so down with that!! 🤣
I cant deny that your profile is so freaking beautiful! 😍
Well, thanks!
Good luck with that, apparently a Xevvy route is never happening. 😥😥
Are you ever thinking of CHANGING some stuff in Diego's route? to make it more interesting and extreme?
Not sure yet. Honestly, Diego's route needs quite a bit of attention to bring it up to par with the others. At the very least, it'll need some adjustments to bring it in line with the canon. We might choose to rewrite it later on, but not sure yet.
Ah Alright, it would be a fantastic choice for sure!
this was a nice game, i love it, the story line it's so unbelievable lovely, but i still wait next update that will unlock another story line because that i still curious about two option that i can't choose anymore, that's all i guess, i'm so excited about the next update, made me suprised Xevvy, i wait for it.
and this is the scene that i love it from the game :3
Of course i will try the tai's route
I think you should prepare yourself with that route. Minor spoiler, emotionally, It hit you hard like a truck!
can i quest diego say kyrex is his ex so is he gay with kyrex too
Yes? I think...
I don't understand what you are trying to say....😕😕😥😥
Am I the only one who wanted to see a Logan's route? I really loved the character, he's so cute😍
There'll be more Logan content coming!
Been eager to receive public updates regarding this Visual Novel for a while now.
I am really satisfied on how Diego's route played out, leaving me wanting more.
But when Tai's route progress, I couldn't bring myself to ask for more! Gahaha~
Thank you for this Visual Novel to look forward of! Especially the whole team!
Would like to share a thought of a song, which is one of my favorites, that I somehow find it matching the same wavelength regarding to Tai's route I assume, please give it a go!
Thanks <3
Does Jay have a u know what scene?
No. At least, not right now... but you never know when that might change.
nice and btw I love the game
He might if you ask nicely.
Same 💀💀
good game but can you make all tairoute story to know ending please
We're working on it, we release updates every month.
Y'all make this game too emotional 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I actually cried on tai's route 😭
Without the lows, the highs simply wouldn't feel earned!
Yh you're right best game I ever played
Just finished Diego's route. Man I gotta say that I'm hooked with the character and the storyline.
But damn, Tai is such a dream sugar daddy... What a game you have here! Salute! 🙏😍
Should I tell him.....nah
Hm... There is 2 illustrations and 2 special scenes missing for me...
Is that correct? 🤔
Or did I not made good choices? lol
Ren'Py is a bit weird in that sometimes the triggers just don't work as they should. The only missable one is the optional sex scene on day 7. For the other stuff, I'd suggest running through again skipping the dialogue and hopefully it'll unlock this time.
I see!
Gonna try that!
Also I'm loving the game so far! I played Diego route first and wanted so much a scene with Logan... Playing Tai's route gave me a gift XD
Edit: I've skipped Diego's sex scene on day 7, so one special scene and one illustration got unlocked...
Still trying to see where did I missed the other 2 that are missing lol (the scene is the 3rd at the gallery and the illustration is the 8th)
Gonna hunt them lol
Third special scene and eighth illustration are both automatically unlocked in Diego's route, so just skip back through Diego's route.
I did skipped the whole Diego's route... I saw Which ones were missing... They didn't went to the gallery lol
As you said... Ren'py sometimes likes to mess lol it's like on my Tavern of Spear saves... Often the gallery bugs and misses some scenes... Then I need to play the save to get the scene again lol
I'll wait til the next update to see if it'll update... But really thank you for your concern Xevvy! It's nice to have the creator always in touch with the players! Thanks a lot!
Only other thing I could suggest is try deleting the 'persistent' file in your save folder (the location for this can be found in our FAQ). For some reason it isn't tracking the unlocks properly.
Kyrex is so hot ohmygod please 🧎
You'll be seeing more of him yet!
a blessing, tysm for your hard work!!
i kinda wish kyrex had a route we can play in to be wit him ik he a di** but i see his prospective and be like aww he just needs some wove and to help him feel some emotions again btw im on day 14 so dont come for me yet if he just an actual di** lmao
There's more content planned for Kyrex in the future, don't worry!
its not that hes a dick. Its that hes an idiot. Tai can act like it was equal guilt among both parties, but none of this would have happened if kyrex just stopped being a man whore for two seconds
I've been following xou guys from the beginning and I just wanted to say that xour VN is 1ne of the most immersive out there! ^_^/ xour writing, music, art, story, all of it! It's just so UTTERLY captivating that I get so completely drawn in to the point that I genuinely do feel like I'm the MC. And I'm in absolute LOOOVE with how xou've done Tai's route~ :D it's so good! I really hope Lukas is the next path. That sweet, hunky tsundere of a himbo will surely melt all our hearts~ ;) Ooo! And xour origin story on how anthropomorphs came to be is remarkably unique! OwO Real stellar stuff! Both routes are so different and still fit so perfectly into the same tale. I prize myself on being able to predict where the story will go with most things, but xou guys don't fail to leave me guessing! Outstanding writing! This VN really does have it all~ UwU Xou guys are amazing. Keep up the magnificent work~! ^^_
I am patiently wating for more Glenn <3 😜...because he is low key my favorite character even though he only had one appearance yet
You're going to like Day 17...
Just finished Diego's route. So good! This is officially canon in my head.
As soon as it reaches "well it looks like i won" on Tai's route my game shuts down
Disable animated sequences in the settings.
Just finished Diego's route and it was amazing.
Wait until you try Tai's route.... your mind WILL be absolutely blown away (in a good way of course)
I hope you're right,
Glad you enjoyed it! Tai's Route is a much bigger and more elaborate experience, so hopefully it's to your liking as well!
I will definetly ckeck it out.
ohh and the fox too
i cant wait to fuck that little panther boi
Ive waited for the whole day 16 to be completed and im beyond satisfied with the new update💖
Help...... I got stuck in Tai's route. Everytime I go past the scene where the player finds Tai in a hide-and-seek game, my phone crashes and restarts. Help.
This. That's an animated sequence. Some low end devices can't handle the sequence and will crash when it begins. Disabling animated sequences in the settings works around this issue
Oh okay, thanks for telling me. Loving the game tho. Tai's one hell of a man that I would date.
hey is it weird that I want to make a Friday night funkin mod of this game? Because I like this game and I want to express it the only way I know how
It ain't weird at all, express yourself :)
I hope there is gonna be a "Tales Route" for one of the spicy moments between the two of them
I mean Tai and Lukas
.....also, i wouldn't say no to another tales route with a threesome between Tai, Adrian AND Lukas...oh boy that would be beyond hot
Initiate: double penetration
We know that Tai said Lukas was big.... like even among his kind he is "extraordinary" (his words) sooooo... considering Tai is hella big as well i don't think Adrian could handle DP from them..... right ?
well this got horny fast
I don't wanna say anything, so just wait for the next update.
Tai said a really interesting thing about Lukas... hmm... size.
Bruh I went bug-eyed when I saw this...not disagreeing though
Amazing update!
one of the best yet in my opinion (thx for the hard work xevvy :)
and btw... the Oceiros Brandy...sure sounds like a Dark Souls reference... ;)
i was triggered !
"Ah, you ignorant slaves... Finally taking notice have you"?
I admit, Dark Souls 3 makes me rock hard
also Diego's new... attire was absolutely hilarious!!
He grabbed the first thing he could find! It's not his fault he eats a lot of pizza! ...wait, no, that's absolutely his fault.
That was amazing! i enjoyed every bit of that update
I thought I got the bad ending so I started to cry..... Why are you so good at giving me the feels? (TwT)
ah, the old bait and switch!
This update was REALLY WORTH the wait, it took me three hours to get through it. Xevvy and team I salute you!!!
Possible spoilers:
Kid Tai and Lukas are KEWWT !!!!!! 😍😍😍
Lukas and his big ass fro~
Omg it's a good thing I checked sileo, I didn't get a notification but its a good thing I checked, I've been really wrong about Tai, so Tai my loving tiger, here I come!
Xevvy, will you make dom and axel's path next?
Please tell me that is next before lukas
Depends on what our Patrons vote for!