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it felt like diego and the main character were playing timesplitters the way you were describing the gameplay. great vn


Does that secretly mean it was timesplitters 👉👈

All of the gaming scenes with Diego cheekily refer to a real game. And yes, TimeSplitters is one of them. 

(1 edit)

OMG, I thought so lmaoo. Timesplitters is one of my favorite games of all time and seeing that it's in one of my favorite vns just makes my life complete. btw I love this VN and cannot wait for the other routes :) great job!


Mine too. Underappreciated series! Glad you like Sileo :)

Diego's neck is wrong, he looks pregnant there's so many bad things bout him but why am i crying so bad when his route ends I love him so much i can't look at Tai normally AHHHHHHHH thank you so much for creating this game I love my HUSBAND DIEGO so much even if he has so many flaws 

Thank you thank you so much!!

I'll pass your feedback onto CurryCatz to look into. Glad you enjoyed the rest though :)

HMMPPHHH I enjoy all of it *hugs* AHHHHH DIEGO!! tell him to add a wedding scene for Diego huehueheueueu

OMFG DIEGOS ROTUE FJNSKJDFNIASJNGIAS i was so heartbroken when his route ended. i couldnt even bring myself to click any of the other love interests. i was also looking through the cg's gallery and noticed that day seven (i think its day seven) was titled "Good Ending". im assuming that you have to interact with Kyrex every chance you can to get a different ending and i rlly dont want to but i want to see that other cg. this was my first VN ive ever played and now my expectations for others are so high its insane. if this ever has a 2nd part i would absolutely LOVE playing it just for diego.

Glad you liked it! Yes, there is a bad ending on Day 7 if you finish all 3 of Kyrex's side plots, but fair call not wanting to do it! It's not called a bad ending for nothing! 

Just how are you supposed to play other routes after diego's its just so heartwarming c: just finished the diego's route but i simply cannot play others. LOVED the game, great work on everything!

Thank you, we're glad you liked it. We're hoping to make the others even better, so perhaps one day we'll be able to sway you to check them out? :)

Well i sure am willing to play the game again but like diego's route says a lot that they are "soul mates" and i cannot think anyother way for the story to end if its not with diego uwu. Like i said before its just so heartwarming

I can't deny this is amazingly well written and all the characters engaged me way more than I expected. But what is the point of the choices for the fluff and for the sake of interactivity this may just be a me thing, but besides the side thing with Kyrex early on nothing matters this is a Visual Novel in the most literal sense and the choices seem to only give a false implication. No bad endings besides Kyrex, no way to change things I just don't get it...tho this could just be because I found Diego to be the least likable person in the story heh guess that's what I get for normally dating guys like Kyrex or Axel. Still overall extremely well written and despite my very subjective opinions I think this is great and can't wait to see more routes be finished.


A lot of games and projects spend forever in development because the team involved have bitten off more than they can chew. In our case, there's only 2 of us producing content for Sileo. We don't want Sileo to spend forever stuck in limbo - our hope is that Sileo will reach version 1.0 within 2 years of it's original public release, and so far, we're on track for achieving that! Unfortunately, in order to achieve that, our development scope must align with our manpower, which is largely why we've sacrificed complex branching routes for a more linear experience. 

We're glad you enjoy it otherwise, though! Development on Tai's route is underway and will be coming your way soon!

(1 edit)

I hope there will be a part 2 of Diego's route (and also a part 2 of remaining routes after the it finished — but that depends on the ending of each routes). And I really hope you guys will to continue "Sileo" , as well..

And thank you for creating this great VN! Diego's Route are the best. Like I said earlier, I really hope you guys will continue this great VN in the near future, I'm really looking forward to it 😁😁..



All going well, once version 1.0 is released, we're hoping to add all kinds of different stories to Sileo. And yes, a continuation of Diego's route is very much on the cards! It'll be a while off yet, but like I said, all going well...

We're glad you've enjoyed it so far at any rate! There's some great updates coming soon, keep your eyes peeled!

(1 edit)

Ngl, hearing that a part 2 of Diegos route may be a possibility  made my day so much better!! Best of luck to you and the rest of the developers/team for this game!! Can’t wait to see more!!


I rate it 11/10 the ending is best of all visual novels amazing storyline good character development . Waiting for the next route

Thanks! We're glad you like it!


The ending is great 

Good work im waiting for next 


Thanks! Glad you think so!

I have to admit, when I first saw this VN I had my doubts, but you've blown my expectations out of the water so far in terms of story telling and dialogue.  Though I am curious, do you have a timeline for when each of the different romance paths will be released?

(1 edit)

Glad you think so! There's no real fixed timeline, although we expect each route to take roughly 5 - 6 months to complete. We'd expect Tai's route to be finished around about the middle of this year, and Lukas' route to be finished at the end. 

I really loved this but to honest with you after everything that happens between the characters and Diego specifically in his route I don't think I have the balls to do any other route except maybe Tai's that's it don't wanna betray anyone

OMG YESS!! Thank you guys for this. The experience so far was so amazing. Could not stop crying at all the tender and sad moments and laughing at the funny moments (And the spicy moments, O lala). You guys made it really hard for mr in the future to chose another route than Diego's ,that's how good you guys did. I really needed this in my life. Great job guys, looking forward to the future work.

PS. Wish I could support your guys' project, but I'm flat broke.

It's quite alright, we know times are tough all around the world right now. We're glad you're enjoying Sileo so far :)

Thank you for your great work! Greetings from Russia!

No problem, we're glad you're enjoying Sileo! :)

Listening to Russia's national anthem while reading the comments on this page XD.

Heck, what am I doing with my life?...

To Xevvi: Concratulations! This VN is so unique, and you have the determination to give it a stable update schedule, even for multiple plataforms. I have to say that the ending of Diego's route was satisfying. Gotta say, that is something to be proud for. Keep it up :)

Greetings from México to all :D

Can i just say that this Vn is Fantastic? Diego route to me was like a roller-coaster of emotions man i felt so many thing good and bad but the Ending of Diego's route literally made me cry it was so heartwarming and beautiful and Diego making up with Kyrex not being friends but being on good terms really made me happy because i actually like kyrex he wasn't too bad to me also just wow im at a loss words this Vn is just so good keep up the Fantastic work you are amazing! Really excited for Tai's route Tai is a really interesting char i would like to know more about him but anyways I'm just Amazed and excited for more content sorry for rambling im just really happy that you are making this Vn don't mind me good sir I'm just happy to play this VN no matter how long it takes to complete it

Thank you for the kind feedback, it's appreciated!

At first I was kinda hoping Eric would be available to court but I got hooked on Diego fast after choosing him. Kudos.

Never say never! All going well we would love to give everyone time in the spotlight! Glad you're enjoying it at any rate 😊

Well how many days it has 

Or the last chapter pls tell

Each route will have approximately 20 days.

Yes I already completed it

Yes I already completed it

(2 edits)

Ehi,your game is turning out to be very nice and with a relly nice story it's interesting to foolow,i hpo there will be twists and turns and even a few fun moments further into the story

We're glad you like it! Plenty more twists and turns to come, stay tuned!


Just finished the update and I gotta say; this was, overall, a really satisfying conclusion to Diego's story. Just the sappy, story-book esq. happy ending that Diego deserves. Everything was wrapped up pretty well, I feel, and all the conflict was resolved in a satisfying enough and realistic way.

All that said, I still don't like Kyrex. This is, primarily, just me being dead set on holding a grudge against him, though I've noticed (what I believe to be) a couple of holes in the story he told on day 19; Kyrex says to Tai and Diego that he never viewed the situation as being in a relationship and saw Diego like a clingy stalker type, but if you go to the gym on day 5, Kyrex talks about Diego like his ex as opposed to a fling gone wrong. At least, it's very heavily implied that he viewed his time with Diego as a relationship, so much so that MC specified the topic as being about Kyrex's ex; the way Kyrex talks about Diego being "high maintenance" and that he had "needs that weren't being fulfilled" sounds like someone talking a bad relationship as opposed to what he said on day 19. 

I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it just doesn't line up to me and the fact that MC doesn't bring it up at all just feels... off...

On to more pleasant topics! Now that Diego's route has come to a close, I'm way excited to start seeing the other routes! Looks like the next update will be Tai, but I'm crazy looking forward to the start of the Axel/Dom route(s)! I remember it being said that the plan after completing Diego's route was possibly to start writing on multiple routes at once; is that still the case or should we expect Tai's route to come to a close before work starts on the next? No real complaint either way - just curious.

There were no new issues with any visual elements this time around, so I don't really have anything particularly new to bring up. The only visual aspect that I feel inclined to bring up is that there's an errant pixel off to the side Axel's sprites (towards the right side of the screen in the gallery's sprite orientation). It's been there for a long while and I don't remember ever brining it up, so I figured I'd just mention it, in case it wasn't, like, a known thing.

I really enjoyed that interactive scene at the end of the game, too! Pretty nice seeing Diego on bottom! I've got no actual complaints about it, just would have liked a few more options for what to do, though I get you can only include so much. Again, not a complaint, just a thought; interactive scenes are always a nice time in these games, I just like to have... as thorough an experience as possible.

Great work on this update as always! I'm really looking forward to seeing where this game is gonna go in the not too distant future!


Hey there, thanks for the comment! We made some changes in 0.17.1 to bring those scenes in line with the later plot, but I gave it a read over while reading your comment and noticed I missed a bit in the second scene! Whoops! This is adjusted now and should fit in a lot better as of 0.20.1/0.21. 

Right now we're focusing 100% on Tai's route and I don't expect that will change anytime soon. Reason being that the very reason we had to make adjustments like the above to Diego's route was that we didn't have things as well planned in advance as we could have. During December, we took the time to plan Tai's route out in significantly greater detail in order to improve consistency and ease our workload in the coming months, however due to the myriad of other changes we made during that month, we didn't have time to do the same for any other routes. Unless we find the time to do so, we likely won't be delving into any of the other routes until Tai's is wrapped up.

I think that rogue pixel issue with Axel's sprite was fixed in 0.20. Take a look when next months update arrives. I can't see anything on my current dev build at any rate, by all means let me know if I've missed anything.

The interactive scene was our first, but certainly not our last! Next time we do one, we'll more than likely take it further!

Is it bad to want Jay after seeing him only once?

Well, nevertheless, I loved your vn so much. Made me cry a ton and wanting for more. You really know how to pull on the heartstrings hngggg. I'll be looking forward to future updates! Especially the Dom/Axel route hehe.

P.S. Jay is cute af and if it's okay, could he have a route too pls? Just asking hehe. Completely up to you! Thank you! ❤️


We've got our hands full with our existing commitments right now, but we have some ideas for post 1.0 that may or may not involve Jay :)

Oh, that's good to know! Sorry if I somehow gave pressure in that comment or became presumptuous :( Anyways, I'm wishing you all the best! 😊

(2 edits)

Man. This novel made me cry so dang hard so, congratulations to you because you made me truly feel and understand and relate to the major and minor characters. So summary 13/10 visual novel and I would definitely recommend this to someone  

Thanks for the kind feedback, glad you liked it! :)

Thanks for the wonderful ending of Diego's route!!!

Glad you enjoyed it!


I just finished Diego's route and it was just so good. He feels so relatable and the writing really made me feel a lot of empathy and affection for him. It will be interesting to see how routes for other characters handle him not getting together with the MC. I play a lot of these kinds of games and many times I have a sense of guilt whenever I play routes for other characters past my first one because it feels like I'm hurting a character I already have a connection with. This VN in particular feels like this would be the case since its hard to imagine Diego being happy without the MC in his life. That being said I'm really excited to see where this story goes next. On top of amazing art the writing is just seriously top notch. 


Glad you're enjoying it. Don't worry, Diego and Adrian will still be best buds, no matter what happens!


Can we have a Logan Route please, im a sucker for bears hehe

Once we're finished our current commitments, we'll see!


Good Luck!! Now I wait and hope.

Just finished Diego's route and I just gotta say that this was straight up AMAZING! But this leaves me with one question tho, whose route will be worked on next cuz some ppl said that Lukas was next instead of Tai

Tai's route is currently in development and the beginning of it is available in January's Patreon build :)

Will there be a Russel route?

See the FAQ :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Never say never ;)

Deleted 2 years ago

I am speechless as fuck at the end! It's so beautiful almost had me crying!! Good storyline and hoping for another chapter soon! Keep up good work and please don't make me cry more 😭



it was absolutely wonderful to read, i cant wait to see what comes next for the other routes :D


That last sex scene was one of the hottest ive ever read/played 👌👌👌

especially the second part 👀🥴

Glad you liked it! Tai's route is up next, brace yourself!

(2 edits)


I'm shocked is it really ok to say 'shit' to a manager? It got me shaking when the MC is talking back to Manager Tai.

Tai is nice even if his secrets are always for good intentions but it kind of hurts to see MC's outburst or get mad at Tai even though it helped them a lot.

just expressing what I felt, kinda gave me a scar there😅.

Don't worry, you'll get to make it up to him on his route :)

Wow this is amazing! You have done a fantastic job, and keep it up. I can't wait for Tai and Lukas route to come out.😍😍🤩😍

Thank you 😊


Woow I have no words to describe how wonderful and the quality of the work used in this visual novel, I enjoyed every minute I spent on Diego's route, they were beautiful moments full of mixed feelings and nostalgia, I congratulate you for such a great job, I can't wait for the following routes, although Diego is by far my favorite.

Thank you! We're hoping to step up the bar for the next one. Fingers crossed :)




Our loose plan is that Lukas is up next :)

Do you mean after Tai’s route? Cause I think I saw that their update was Tai’s, so are non-patrons getting Tai’s then Lukas’ route?


Correct, yes. Tai's route is currently in development and can be started on the current Patreon build. This will go public next month. After Tai's should be Lukas 


Oh, alrighty then! Thanks for clarifying😊

Just finished Diego's route, and loved every second of it. 

You managed to craft such a nuanced and interesting story, and you far exceeded any expectations I had when the project started, so I can't wait to see what you do with the other routes.

(As a side note, will you ever revisit Diego in the future?)


Glad you enjoyed it! It was a great learning experience for us on the team, we're looking forward to going bigger and better with the next one!

And well, we did leave the ending open ended for a reason ;)

I'm having trouble playing this game. Whenever I load the game, after a few mins it just crashes, and if I try to go full screen the game just closes itself. Any ideas on what could be wrong?? 

What platform are you playing on? Can you provide some information about your device that we can use to help troubleshoot?

I'm on pc, windows 10. Anything else you need to know?

You're on the public build, yes? Not on the Patreon version? Because they're mechanically quite different at the moment. Did you have any problems with previous builds?

Yeah I am on the public build, and I had the same issue with the December build as well. The game runs for a few mins, then crashes.

You're the only person to have reported such an issue, there may well be something wrong on your end. Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date and that your anti-virus software isn't interfering with it.


Only 20 days for Diego's route? Feels a bit short...


Diego's route from Day 1 to 20 is longer than Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! 

(1 edit)

I thought the VN would have the usual standard of 30-31 days as is the "usual" for VN's lately. Not critizing, simply asking to confirm, I apologize if I offended you, it wasn't my intention. 


No problem! We were originally reaching for 30 days, but realized that our stories didn't need that long to tell. Rather than pack it to the gills with filler, we decided to cut the length back to 20 days as standard. Even at 20 days these are novel length stories.



Honestly I really loved the story ,but I'm still a little disapointed it doesn't have one or two more days because *spoiler ahead* I really got hyped about the meeting the family part only to find out the story stops rigth before and I also wanted to see the developement of the new relationships and how kyrex now interacts with others now that things are settled, especialy on the work side of things since he got his job back but lukas is still kinda against it. 

But still, thanks for the great story  :)

sorry for bad english, not sure I am very clear


A continuation of Diego's route is one of those things tentatively planned for after 1.0. Stay tuned :)

Loving this visual novel as always but I do have a very important question. Will there be a harem route?

Not before the 1.0 release, although there will be more than one threesome...

After the 1.0 release? All going well, we have some ideas...

This is a really nice Visual Novel! 😄 Is there the possibility to meet Logan earlier as route in a future update? He is lovely and would love to see him open up to the Main Character. Would be adorable see him shyly cuddle with our husky 😊

Different characters will be introduced at different times in different routes. Although, it won't be Adrian who gets to Logan... 

It's alright 🙂 I understand you are a small team and that adding and rewriting for one route require a lot of time. Now I am curious if Logan's love interest would be Eric or another character 😊 Wish you guys a Happy New Year!


Ssh, that's a secret ;)


I'm Japanese, but this game is great! Thank you very much. I hope I can continue to make good stories.

Thank you :)


Just gotta say this. Nice.


One question, will the next patreon upd have the start of Tai's route or not, cuz Diego's route has finished in the patreon ver. so will that mean Tiger boi will get his chance to shine nowO_O?

We're not certain at this stage. There's a few things we want to get done before we begin work on Tai's route. Right now, we're not planning on having Tai's route begin in the January Patreon Build, but depending on how we go for time, we might just be able to squeeze it in.


Honestly hope the shark becomes a route


the bear! Logan needs a route.

Kyrex please!!

Will Dom have a route in future update? oooor will it be poly relationships with Alex? 

Because I won't share him with anyone >:)

We won't know for sure until we plan the route out. What we have in mind can often be different from what we end up doing so time will tell! 

It'd be interesting if both were options, I'm really excited for a poly Axel/Dom route but just one of them is also intriguing.

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