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*snicker* Loved the new update on the revamped Day 1 route. The bit with the keyhole near the end made me laugh.


possible SPOILER!!! (;´д`)ゞ


Ok, now we might have a clue on where he went to


Do you have plans for Lukas route

Once Tai's route is finished.

Thank you. I will be waiting for bouth, I loved Tai's rote too, but I want a piece of Lukas too!~

Xevvy! Xevveroni, bud! 

When's the next update for Axel, Dom, and Russel's route?


No ETA at this stage. I'm focusing on finally getting Tai's Route finished before I spend too much time on other things. Once it's done, we'll continue releasing content for other routes. 

Axel 🙏

hmm, I'm not sure if it exists, but isn't there an update in diego's route where we get to finally meet diego's family?? i just played diego's route again and remembered that post

Deleted 1 year ago

That is planned for the future, but no ETA on when that'll release


Hey chat, can someone explain why Eric is so horny all the time?

That's a good question


Only if you can explain why I think he is adorable.


I'm going to put myself in your shoes, so what I say here dies not actually apply to me.

Possible answers:

Cute expressions

Style of clothes

Cute personality 

Really funny overall

Good character arc in Tai's route

Wholesome at the end of Tai's route.

Now explain why he always hormny


I think he did not really get attention and affection from his family. I believe he found that through sex in a different capacity but nevertheless gave him a good feeling so he kept with it. He must of then decided that he could do it with anyone and get that feeling which is always fleeting. So he constantly is looking for that. Which is why what Diego said to him hurt him so much. I also think it is a persona he keeps up to hide his true self.

He could also just be horny all the time. There are people out there with high sex drives. Sometimes that is too much for one partner so Eric just plays around. He told Diego, when Diego was apologizing in Tai's route, that he wanted to go longer but then our character comes in.

It could also be a mixture of both.

It could also be neither lol.

Side Note:

I would love an Eric route but I feel like it would be similar to what is going to happen with Dom and Axel and I feel like we will learn more about Eric during the Lukas route.

Gibe Axel

(2 edits) (+5)

Lukas has big horns, Eric has no horns, so he's being horny to compensate. Contrary to popular belief, these things are in fact equivalent.*

*may not in fact be equivalent or even relevant.

Makes sense



will roo and roux appear in other routes? (ive only finished tai’s route)

They will, yes.

Who da fuq is too and roux

They're legends.

Roux is an Australian gay kangaroo. Not sure who this "too" you speak of is.

roo is the kangaroo roux is his bf the dog


Got the two mixed up

Any news if we're getting routes besides the main 4?

i think the other stuff is going to be added as tales im not sure though

At this stage, there will only be the four main routes, but there are a lot more stories to tell and many more characters to explore. This is what the Tales from Woodcrest menu will eventually contain, various stories before, during, or after the main story following different characters and/or telling new stories.

xevvy will there be additional story in tai's route?

Yes, Tai's route isn't finished yet. It's nearly done, but there's still a few more chapters to go.

Hi there Xevvy I really enjoy all of the hard work that you've put into creating this VN.

I loved how you've created a soundtrack for all of the music used but question though

At the end of Tai's Route the OC Adrian meets a Rottweiler Police Officer of Woodcrest named Rusty.

Say like in the future would there be a route for Rusty and maybe presume Maxwell to see how and what happens to Glenn in prison?

If they're wont be a route for them that's ok but Thankyou of all that you've done!!!

Those characters won't have routes of their own, but will appear again in other routes.

Oh Ok I understand Xevvy but Rusty seems absolutly charming though

Gotta Love Rottweilers

Rusty plays a big part in Lukas' route as well as Eric's tale that spins off from that route, so he has plenty of screen time ahead.


Holy shit...Diego's storyline was amazing, but Tai's? His storyline had me crying tears like a stream, from happiness and sadnes both, sometimes at the same time. Never have I played a VN where one storyline felt in and of itself like the "True Ending" for me, but Tai's has. So many good things happen in it, and so many stories come to an amazing end for so many characters. I can tell that after doing Tai's Route, It's going to be hard for me to do any of the others. It would feel odd, knowing all that I know now doing this path, to go down the others. I think I will take a break once I finish, and let myself digest what has happened. Thank you for making this game. It's helped me come to terms with my own feelings about some Irl stuff. Just like Logan, and Toby. I have a friend that I need to contact. Thank you.

Deleted 32 days ago

What platform are you on? 

Deleted 32 days ago

But what platform isn't working for you?

Deleted 1 year ago

The browser client was significantly updated in the latest version of Ren'Py, so it's possible there are bugs that haven't quite been figured out yet. Best suggestion I can offer is to clear your browser cache which should force a fresh download of the browser client and hopefully fix the issue. If that doesn't work, the next Sileo update will be releasing with an updated Ren'Py release so hopefully this will correct the issue.


men 10/10 also i really want to pursue russel can't wait for the next update 👍👍🥰🥰🙂

When is the update for Russell

So Xevvy, Dom and Axel are obviously poly only (Correct me if I'm wrong please). But what about our Shark boy, Russell? Thank you for your time and keep up the great work.

Aw man... What happened to Axel's soft belly? :(

This is a war crime

This sprite is being adjusted in the next update.


Yo Xevvy, I know you've had enough of me, but I haven't had enough of you and this amazing work of art, but I better get on with my question I couldn't help but wonder which character is your most favorite.Dont as why I'm asking 👀...after all I'm just an innocent kangaroo......or am I...guess you'll never know...

Eric is best boy.


I've just realized that im adding more art on my schedule and I still need to finish making my 50 million characters

Man......i want tai's eloquence, hes just, perfect!


I went for Diego's storyline and now that I have I can happily say I am not going for anyone else's :,)


That good huh? I'm the same but with Tai. Waiting for Lukas too. ...Maybe I'll see how Diego's go

Tai's has the craziest plot twist as well as deigos

Hey Xevvy quick question if like some magic happend and Roo and Roux had a kid what do you think it's clothing style would be and it's name, I mean like I'm not definitely not drawing what their child would look like because my friend brought it up 👀.


Err, well... I can tell you one thing at least. 

It'd be yellow.


You know what I'm not cut for this someone else, omg it's very terrifying but I feel like a Kangaroo mixed with a Shiba Inu would terrifying😅.


please make more Logan content or even a route for him

Absolutely LOVE your visual novel and keep up the great work but I have a quick question and it's very very important WHAT HAPPENDS TO ROUX AND ROO THOSE ARE LIKE THE GREATEST CHARACTERS EVER (except for Jay) to be honest I just need to know about those characters and then I'll be able to live a happy life.

BTW what motivated me to actually ask you was in your novel when we get to learn Roo's real name and after Roux and Roo left Glen's band they brought up their relationship.

There's not really an answer to this question at this stage. Roo and Roux will appear again in tales and other routes and that will expand their story and relationship, so just hang in there and more content with them will come

(1 edit)

Thank you so much, love your novel 😆

(1 edit) (+1)

Beth is pretty much a Karen, I can guarantee it.

Wait how U find dis character

Found this line randomly when I was playing through Tai's route.


This line can be found at the time where Adrian went to Summervale to grab a bottle of whiskey and then staying the night at Axel's place.



hey chat
can someone knock me out with a brick, thank you very much?



Uhm so i've got a question. So i started playing this in the browser until day 6 and i love it! But im going to download it in my computer, and how exactly do i update it when a new update drops? Do i just download the latest version or smth? 

If you use the Itch App it will handle updates for you. Otherwise just delete the old version and download the new version, saves are kept elsewhere so they'll stick around 

Oh okay then, thank you! I just got the Itch app to update the game if a new update comes out. Keep the good work because this vn is incredible.


Geez is Day 19 of Diego's route frustrating.  I honestly just wanted to skip the fight the entire time to hear what they talked about instead.  Narratively this sucked real hard.

Ah, but please don't take this as me disliking this VN.  I have been very much enjoying it otherwise.  I ran Tai's route first and that was a heck of a ride!

Question:When will the next update for axel, dom and russels route?

Not sure at this stage. We're trying to focus on finishing the last few scenes of Tai's Route at the moment. Development on this route will pick up considerably once Tai's Route is finished.

I cant wait!

Wait waitwait wait wait. In the build before the skip to day X on route Y, It was just "Dom and Axel's route"
Is it going to be Adrian, Dom, Axel, and Russel, or just the first 3?


Yes, you can date the shark!


Why when choose axel or Dom it goes to the shark annywaus

Quick question but is my favourite rat going to have his own build? OwO


There's plenty of content planned for Eric. Multiple tales focus on him, and Lukas' route puts him in the spotlight too.

Yessss. I am sated. Thank you 🙏

Question: (I want to know if it's only me) The illustrations and backgrounds are cutted in a half. Why?

Try redownloading a fresh copy of the game. This happens for some people and it's usually due to corrupt files.

(1 edit)

It didn't work but that doesn't matters as long i can still play it. You did a good job creating this.

Is there a guide?

Question: It's only me, or the music and sounds seem to get muted whenever I plug/unplug my headphones? Nice update BTW.

Xevvy We(I) need answers
How is your username pronounced?
Also, Do the people of Sileo wear shoes
I'd guess not most of the time due to Diego's 3rd scene
But I need answers.

The X is pronounced like a Z. So, Zevvie I guess. Most wear shoes, with some exceptions like Lukas who has hooves. 

Both facts are neat
I want to know what their shoes look like.

Awhh, just finished my favorite hunky tiger daddy's route (so far). Excellent work, keep it up! I can't wait to be able spend more time with mr cranky bovine.

I'm hyped for the next update. 

Very good visual novel🫶. I love Russell


Do the people in Sileo wear shoes or
do they just walk on the foot pads
also how is your username pronounces??


brr am cold


I have now caught up with all of the available days and routes. I absolutely adored this! I cannot wait to see what happens in the rest of Axel's route, Dom's route, and also would love to pursue Lukas when I get the chance. By far this is THE best ga(y)me I have ever played. I loved the art, the characters, the story, the whole "shebang"! I will be here every step of the way and that is a fact! A question for you: Once all of the routes are finished, will there be development of the more supportive characters that we meet? Like for example could we pursue them as a special route after some sort of choice(s)? Whatever happens I am going to enjoy every second of it! - Me, very enthusiastic fan who literally binged this game instead of doing important stuff because it was so good.


That's what Tales from Woodcrest will ultimately be, we've got stuff planned for basically every character, it's just a matter of finding the time to do it all. Stay tuned!


I will most certainly be staying tuned, but I will obviously not rush you at all. I am looking forward to it no matter how it goes, because everything done as of right now has been astonishing.

He Just like me fr


will there be any nsfw with roux I just love his design 


There will be, just hard to say when at this stage.


Just started this VN, and I am very happy that the best friend is a musclegut, and that his path is done. Also, SERIOUS kudos for having the portraits of the speaker, ESPECIALLY Adrian, in the corner! I don't always look up to see expression changes, and this helps a lot.


I just have to say first that I completely adore this vn! although with the new update I seem to be having an issue where the cgs and illustrations are glitched and seem to overlap and clip themselves and was wondering if there was a fix I’ve already tried redownloading the update.

This seems to happen to a small group of people and is something either engine related or system related, not something we can fix. Someone recently reported that updating their graphics drivers fixed the issue so you might try that.

unfortunately my computer doesn’t seem to have any graphics driver updates available and is concerning that this problem only occurs with the newest update from this vn only. 

The last update didn't change anything technical, so in that case it's probably a corrupt file in the download. Redownload the latest release and make sure you extract it to a new folder instead of overwriting any old data. That should fix the issue

Yeah unfortunately neither installing the update again or trying to update the driver seemed to fix the issue but thank you either way.

actually was able to find the issue but thank you again.

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