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will the polar bear ever be datable

Deleted 1 year ago

From what ive already read and with a bit of predictions:
This is a case like Eric.
Neither can be dated in the BASE game, but I'd assume that there will be some tales from Woodcrest about them. I'd also assume that this rule of thumb applies to Jay, Russel, Maxwell*, and possibly even Spencer**. Though, some are more likely than others. I assume that the list after the main character's routes are completed and the intro rework is finished would be revolving around the Main characters and interactions we don't see,(Logan and Eric's 'activity' at the strip club in Diego's route) or little "What if..?" scenes, like; "What if V, X, Y, and Z done this?" or "What if Adrian and Eric did that?"
Honestly, I have no idea whats in store for the tales from Woodcrest. Only time will tell.

*Maxwell is most likely not gonna be in a tale for a long while. He is a decently minor character, and i doubt that Xevvy and their team will release much about him.

**Spencer is a special case. If the character we're seeing him as is Adrian, then a lot of events will have to take place in order to 'Set the scene.' He would need to meet him in a different circumstance, like: What if Adrian ment Spencer before picking a route, or before the character(s) in the route are dating him? What if its like Tai's route, and the Main character and the love interest(s) break it off for a while? It's very hard to predict.

this is a very logical assessment we can all just hope

Not logical  enough, xevvy just disproved it on my own comment asking about it directly.

Shit Xevvy are you ok!?!? I heard of the recent floods in New Zealand hope you're ok!! Sending love and support from Sydney!! :)

Little more than strong winds where I am, all is well!

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Well hopefully it calms down for you soon, but I mean straya’s only a 3-4 hours flight away, and we’ll welcome a kiwi anytime haha!!

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Nice try, venomous spider! I see through your honeyed lies!

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Wow the discrimination!! Just because I have a red back and I can potentially kill someone especially small children, doesn’t mean I’m gonna…wait no I might. But then who’s going to continue developing this incredible vn!! Therefore, I, Mr. Venomous, swear on each of my eight little legs, that I will not bite thee, and grant you immunity. Though I can’t vouch for the others so… you might be eaten alive. But I won’t!!

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You'd better not! If you do, Roo is... uhm... m-my dad and he will... uhm...  k-kick you... r-really, really hard!


Hello! I have a question:

The datable characters have an Intro CG, like Diego and Tai, idk if Axel/Dom has one too, but Russel also has one, so this means Russel will be a Datable character in the future? 

(sorry for any gramatical errors, I'm not a native english speaker ^^ )

Russell isn't considered to be one of the main love interests, but the Axel/Dom routes are polyamorous... who knows what could happen...?

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Thank you for the fast answer! I have another question:

Using the FAQ 5, means that in 'Tales from Woodcrest' will the non main love interests (Jay, Russel, Kyrex...) will be an route? Or just sex scenes? I'm a bit confused about this.

There'll be additional playable stories, not routes as such but much more than just sex scenes.

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I have to say that im in love with the way Russel talks! Its so, like, cool my dude haha!

He's, like, totally chill, my dude.

Ok but WHO does Adrian recognise at the end of day 19 on tai's route?

you'll find out in the next update. Or find out now in the Patreon version

Xevvy, i still dont have money..

Then have patience. It won't be too much longer.

I know but your storytelling is too good... Why must you do this to us poor fans?

Well, we do need to eat and pay rent.



I haven't played this in over a year I can't wait to reread this its such a good vn Im excited to see what changed

Have fun!

Absolutely amazing! Love the story line and can't wait to see more!  Though I have one question about the saves, with each new update to the game will downloading the game overwrite the previous saves causing us to start over from the beginning? 

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Your saves are stored separately from the game data so that you can keep your progress between versions. Just be sure that if you're playing on Android, you install the new APK over top of the old one rather than uninstalling it first - usually, this is fine, but some variants of Android will delete the save data when you uninstall. For the web version, saves are stored as cookies - so long as you don't go clearing your cookies, they'll stick around.

Any idea how long til the dom and axel route get more updates?

Plans can change, but we're planning to wrap up Tais route over the next two or so updates before we do anything else so probably a few months.

What building should i go to guys???but for real
I was just skipping through text, but when i got to this, no side/main quests appeared. What do i do? Also, this is Diego route day 17.

I suspect something is wrong with your save file. I definitely can't replicate it under normal circumstances, skipping through from the beginning works as it should. If you try to save your game, what route shows up on the save? The only reason you could get a screen like that is if that data is somehow not what it should be.

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Will do! Once saved, will edit to post picture.

Here it is, in all its glory!! Cant back out of the image though..
edit like 5 seconds later:

I don't know how you've done that. It's not possible under normal circumstances.

Either way, trash that save and start fresh. 

Fixed the problem by backing to a day 13/14 save. Still have the saves, because bragging rights.

Hey, so idk if this is an issue with my phone or with the game but it keeps on crashing multiple times and even if i clean the cache, it'll still do this. Do you know any way i could fix this?? Thanks

This is the first time I've seen this error. How strange. Try uninstalling the app, redownloading it fresh and installing it again and see if that clears the issue.

Found a bug after downloading the latest update. In the beginning when you enter in your name I'm unable to type whatsoever. Currently on Android experiencing this!

This is an issue between RenPy and either your keyboard app or the manufacturer specific flavor of Android you're running, it's not something we have any control over unfortunately. I would suggest trying a different keyboard app, both Gboard and Swiftkey work perfectly in my experience. 

This new update just brings even more to like! and more to wait for. 

But also i gotta report a bug. Spoiler btw for Axel/Dom route and Tai route.

Alright so first off, loving the work so far. just wanted to get that out of the way. 

For the bug: While I was on Tai's route i found a bug and it was with a script error, while talking with Axel's parents the screen went white and displayed text saying there was an error, I clicked ignore and it happened again, then i clicked ignore again and got through and it didn't show up again. I'm not sure what could have caused it but I wanted to bring it up regardless. 

and for the Axel/Dom route, we were hoping for Cheetah cheeks and got Shark Slit instead, not saying it's bad though lol. I called it when I said Russel might be an option a while back! But by any chance, maybe after the base characters like Lukas, Tai, and Axel/Dom, get the routes finished and fleshed out, Could we maybe see more of the side characters like Russel (Please lol), Logan (Also Please), Maybe even Kyrex or something? or maybe they can even get their own routes like the base characters, that'd be cool in my opinon, more options. 

Welp that's all i have to say, Can't wait until the next update! Keep up the good work!

TL:DR: Bug: Recurring Script error on day 16 in Tai's route with Axel's Parents. Idea's for the side characters? Cheetah Cheeks gotta wait, we have Shark slit instead

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I'm aware of this error, I pushed a hotfix that was supposed to fix it but it didn't quite go to plan, unfortunately. 

I've just pushed another hotfix which should resolve it. If you're playing via the Itch App, the patch should show up. The web version played on this page will update automatically. Otherwise just redownload the file for your platform and it should be good to go.


Patiently waiting for Lukas' route :)

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When is lukas route coming? I'm waiting for that to play again

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It feels as if "terrific" word is overused in this spectacular, wondrous, breathtaking, splendid, wonderful and just generally nice game. Still wondering if it tells me true reason as to why i cannot pick "Joe" name for mc though. Or why characters struggle with Roux and Roo, but are weirdly okay with Tai and Ty.

I just started and I ran into a very strange... error, because it only happens with the background and it takes me out of the immersion :,3, any ideas on how fix it?

I've seen this reported once before, but I have no idea what causes it or how it might be fixed, unfortunately. It's almost certainly either a Ren'Py issue or an issue with your video hardware/driver, so all I can suggest is to make sure you're running up-to-date video drivers, and failing that, perhaps try on another device.

I never expected to have a spicy scene with Logan and Russel before either of the two horny boys Jay or Eric.

Side note. Is the friend Russ mentioned Roo?

Pretty sure he isnt, because the only friend russel has stated before the game is Alex.(Pretty sure thats his name.) Also, Roo's only friend in woodcrest is Roux.


Heh, I wish there was more to see, but I'm not gonna lie here... I absolutely LOVED this update. The fun with Russell made for a great read!

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(Spoilers For Tai’s Route)

Is there a way to skip the ‘special’ scenes? Asking since the game always crashes for me every scene switch in the threesome scene, and I always need to go load into a save during the part where Adrian goes back to the apartment and meets Diego after getting back together with Tai.

(Also, extremely glad to have more Russel in this game 😁.)

There's no way to skip them at this point, but it shouldn't be crashing in that scene, it's not doing anything particularly special there. The most common cause of crashes is insufficient memory, so if you have any other devices available to you with more memory, that might be the best solution.

omg, Tai route is ended 🥲 It was a very touching story. 

Not quite yet! There's still day 20!

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I just finished the diego rout and i need more.I give (and gave) this game 5 stars,When you guys stop updating this game there needs to be a sequel or spinoff.(P.S. Diego my love)

also does russell have 2 penii


Go play Tai's Route if you haven't already, It's much longer and better than Diego's route.

And yes. Yes he does.

My problem is It crashes lol. My device is Samsung A01. Its like yah but ill try

The A01 is a very low-end device with very little memory, I suspect there just isn't enough for Sileo to run. For Android, I'd recommend at least 3GB of memory to be safe. 

ok thank you!

(3 edits)

Hey, theres a problem with your Random name list in the start when you choose your name.
Eric is a randomly generated name out of them.
Nothing major, but "Eric" should be removed out of the starting list.

Edit: Another bug(i think)

When im skipping sometimes the game cant find the sprite for the character on screen.
Edit2: OR it could just
NOT load in the background when i load the autosave.


I've removed Eric from the list. The issue with skipping is a strange one but almost certainly something outside of our control - either a bug in Ren'Py or potentially a corruption in your download. Either way, if the file displays under normal circumstances, skipping shouldn't change that. If you're loading an autosave from an older build and the content you've saved on has changed, that can trip Ren'Py up - again, not really something we can fix, it's to do with how Ren'Py is designed (not with changing games in mind). 

I also can't replicate this third issue at all. What steps have you taken to make this happen?

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So, i was just expiramenting with the sprites and stuff, and was going to go to the menu above the special content, and accidentally opened it. Went to where i was gonna go but "Heavy load" or whatever the title is was there. I quickly tried backing out, but when i did my device was overheated at the time. I went to start a new game after i cooled my device down, but that shown up instead. 

 Can’t wait for the new public version of Axel’s route!! Hopefully only a couple of days away!!

I saw someone asked about the Adrian sprite. Was wondering if u could share one of tai’s? I have no clue how to do the whole reconstruct thing. Which is why I’m asking here. Also tai is extremely hot. Always had a thing for big cats especially tigers/lions so happy I picked his route. Can’t wait for it to be finished


How to give rat poison to the rat, how do i kill him, i hate him and everything he represents.

Deleted post




I thought I was done seeing stupid people on the internet tonight.


You have got to be one of the stupidest people I've come across so far!

Hey, Any way i could see Adrian's sprite without a background ingame? I play on the computer app, and i cant open it in files due to a restriction.

Not ingame, no. And the nature of the sprite files is that you'll have to combine multiple pieces to get a complete sprite anyway. Here's a compiled transparent PNG of his default outfit and expression.

Thanks a lot!


The heartbeat makes me think it was someone important to Adrian, but not in a good way... You clever bastard...(Complimentary)

Wait acctualy maybe its glenn or Kyrex
Might be the asshole that used to be Adrians boss

Next chapter is coming out very soon on Patreon. All will be revealed.



Adrian is dripped out tbh

Hi, just another question but it is kind of a stupid question, Do we have to download the new version when it comes out or no. Sorry if it is a stupid question

I mean, if you want to experience the new content you will. 

Oki, Thank you so much.


Is the vn good


Ultimately that's up to personal preference. However I have enjoyed it. Tia's route is quite a bit longer than Diego's route, and as such it an get a bit wordy at times. However over all I enjoyed both. Can't wait for the end of Tai's route. 


Hey, I have a question, How far can you go into Axel's route?
I love this game btw and Axel is by far my favorite character

Just till the end of Day 5. After that, You ought to wait till the next update or finish the other pathes.

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Oh, Thank you I didn't except a reply this soon. Btw I loved the comment when you dared him to make a musk name. 


The full day 5 is released on Patreon right now, this will be rolling out here fairly soon - about maybe a third of it is playable in the current public build. After this we're focusing on finishing Tai's route in the next few updates before expanding on Axel's route any further. 

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Oh okay, thank you so much I am looking forward to go further into Axel's route

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How DARE you just
Cut off me and Russels' sleepover thing?!
That is a heinous act

Real good game tho just please continue the story until its at a mundane part PLEASE

Edit: Naw... Who Adrian recognise in the concert?!?11/1/1

Hello, I have a question, will Dom's or Axel's route separate the two? or in the end would the player end up with both, like a threesome relationship?

It's a polyamorous route. There will be some small differences depending on who you started our pursuing, but the broad strokes and the destination will ultimately be the same.


I see, thanks for answering me, I'd also like to say that I'm loving the game ^w^


Now im interested more
In the lore? Yes.
In the ideas? Yes.

In the Nsfw? Yes.

Cool game. I give it 5/5 Cheese wheels.



I just wanna know
Is there like
a list
for the names alexs' mom incorrectly calls you by
for each starting letter?

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There's a 90% chance she will choose a name with the same first letter as your chosen name. There's a 10% chance she'll pick any random name instead. If the name generated matches your chosen name, it picks again - she'll never get your name right. This is also the same list of names that choosing a random name on the name selection screen uses.


That is CLEVER.

You wrote Ezra twice, just mentioning in case that leads to an error

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I did too. The last thing the world needs right now is more Ezra! I'll replace one of them in the next update.

(I made it worse. It's now Elon. My condolences to all Beth now calls Elon.)


Make a "Musk" name
I dare you

do i get bad ending or some negative change for sleeping with kyrex in tai's route, cause i chose that option but i haven't seen any changes

No just some dialogue differences here and there.

Whens the next update I want to know who the hell was that in this route, when?WHEN!!?

This is coming in the next patreon update. No release date as yet but it's coming along nicely.

Not sure if this is a bug, But...
Whenever the text box appears in a new zone, The tiger dude keeps appearing.(I dont remember his name, and frankly, i dont care(Technicly on his route, but we broke up))
Not sure if its a bug or not, but just wanted to make sure

Are you running the latest version? I could have sworn we fixed that issue a while back.

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The newest version just got the axel/dom routes, right? 0.51 is the version im playing on

Btw, Good game. I rate it 5/5 Cs' for Cool game

That's odd. We definitely fixed that issue, or better said, we worked around it - it was an issue in RenPy to begin with. If you can make a save file where it's happening and send that to us via our Discord, I'll look into why it's started happening again

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Sorry i didnt get back to this, but im playing from the app and im not able to see where the files are stored due to some restrictions. 

Why not just link the old "Pizza scene" to the new WIP intro? Then, in a later snapshot, Link the old pizza scene back to the WHOLE old intro, and replace it with the new in-house scene?

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The old and new intros have canonical differences and inconsistencies, they don't fit together so we're avoiding doing any mixing and matching at this stage. The save file locations should be the same regardless of the Itch app being used, there locations for each platform are in our FAQ.


Will there ever be an option to pursue Eric? It would be cool to get more rat cuteness.


Xevvy might make a "Tales of Woodcrest" or whatever its called about that, But nothing else I guess. Also, Eric just wants to fuck near the time you meet him, So you most likely wont get to date him sadly.

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I wonder if the main character will get sad at not having a chance to get some vitamin R ;) from Eric.

But Eric if there was a route for Eric he could develope a friendship that becomes friends with benefits. Then grow to want it to be something more.

I agree. I would be up for that!


I read some of the previous posts, and find the criticisms odd.   I read Diego's route first, then Tai's.  What impressed me was how much your creativity as a storyteller had improved.   Tai's route has much more content cleverly woven through it, with other characters and their sub-stories adding so much interest.  I look forward to your future updates not just to see what Happens to Tai, but to Eric and Jay, Dom and Axel,  Logan and Tobais, with possibilities of other relations like the dog and kangaroo.  You must realize by now you could turn this into a regular novel instead of a VN with descriptive content to replace the visuals.

     Far from being upset over Russel's early involvement, I am glad to see you are starting right off with serious character development in this route, instead if it appearing towards the middle.   

     After reading some of the short sighted comments, I don't wonder you feel a touch of anger and burn out.  Please do not let the quality of your work or the progression of your literary talents be stunted by those who think you are writing some sort of short comic book feature.

      These critics may be loud, but are hardly in a majority; most people like your work I am sure.    


<3. A vocal minority I'm sure. And I won't allow their griping to distract me from the stories I'm trying to tell. 


When I read the log for Axel/Dom's route I was so excited thinking it was finished (|||-_-) But now I'm super intrigued since Russel is part of the story right from the start unlike other routes. Can't wait to see what the Axel/Dom route had in store, but I'm also wanting it now lol.

Can't wait to see what's next! And how soon we can get the cheetah cheeks XD

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